
Friday, December 14, 2007

Back on Track

The rain has ended here in Phoenix…the land is drying…the cold remains at night…the sun shines bright during the day…the blahs have flown away and the show must go on.

It felt good once again to be active and out amongst other people. We have always loved spending time together which is one of the reasons this lifestyle is great for us, besides the traveling. But, there are times when the rainy weather sets in and work comes to a halt that we begin getting on each others nerves. This time was different, this time we both fell into a “Funk”. We whined…we cried…we blamed others…we blamed ourselves…we felt useless…we laughed. It was only then were we able to “Pick ourselves up and get back in the race…That’s Life”.

Life’s Lessons are getting easier to handle and I joke with Jerry that it happened a few short months ago on the day I turned 50 and I guarantee that it will happen for him in just a few days when he finally turns 50 as well. It’s actually fun learning these lessons now in the never ending aha moments. Things we have always known but just didn’t make sense before are becoming clearer every day. Our lesson this time around we learned is to relax and enjoy the ride and to remember we do not have to do or say anything, it is always our choice but most of all…BREATHE!

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