
Tuesday, April 09, 2024

Scratching Our Hitch Itch Soon

Soon now we will be slowly making our way up to Montana for the summer. We are so excited, not just to be able to hang out in an area we want to explore extensively but it was our first choice of places to work. In the meantime, I am still down healing my ruptured Achilles tendon that is getting better everyday, some good days, some not so good but everyday is improving the pain and also being able to walk and stand longer.

We have been noticing lately that our site needs have differed so much from our motorhome. Staying places in the motorhome was so simple and easy and we were able to make any site work for us, but now with the trailer it’s making it challenging. Backing up into sites with the motorhome was easy peasy, with the trailer there are so many variables that can cause issues. The maneuvering difference between the two is so very noticeable. Some days we back it right in as if we know exactly what we’re doing, then others for no reason we act as if it’s the first time we ever backed up a trailer. Sites felt huge, now not so much with our slides on both sides and one of them being a super slide. Then all the different obstacles many sites have are ridiculous, dodging trees, sewer holes, pedestals, and then trying to get it straight in the site when many of these roads are so narrow. It has definitely been a huge learning curve that has been challenging to say the least.

We have made certain all our stays going up north are pull throughs to assure our travel has less annoyances, and we are staying at least two days at each stop. Our plan is to enjoy the journey and do some fun things and not have to unhook and hook up every day which of course is another huge difference between the motorhome and the trailer. 

Good news is the prices of motorhomes are falling and prices of trailers are rising but we haven’t been able to find our perfect one that we will have for the rest of our traveling days. On top of it, this trailer has so many amazing great things that we just can’t find in a decently priced motorhome. We do not want to have a note, so that also will make it challenging to sell the trailer and buy our motorhome within the timing of living full time in it. We’re figure it out, and in the meanwhile we will just enjoy the trailer.

It is really boring for me not working, especially with Jerry still working and my limited ability to do things, but we learn to do what needs to be done and now he too is unemployed. We are on vacation until the first of May when our Montana employment begins. This week will be filled with honey do’s before we begin our travels on Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. I am looking forward to hearing about your Montana job experience.


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