
Sunday, January 14, 2024

Happy New Year

We don’t care how many years pass, the pain is always enhanced during this season…losses are hard to bear, and time DOES NOT dull the pain, especially at certain times. Hug your loved ones a little tighter and enjoy every awkward moment because a bad moment is better than NO moment at all! Songs…movies…commercials…phrases…are bringing us to tears and breaking us down, but when it’s over, we will ring in 2024 with fresh dreams and hopes. We are so grateful that we have one another to help each other through the holidays!

My ending of 2023 was very abrupt, it was supposed to be a long day at work on New Years Eve, but my knee had different ideas…I was down for the count and could not put any kind of weight on it at all, so I was stuck at home while Jerry went to work. Not a great ending but seems typical to a very strange year, we are really looking forward to a fantastic 2024!


I worked on my books, getting them ready for publication…AGAIN! Once again, the plan is to get them ready for publication, AND this time get them published. I have to change my thought process and understand that the knowledge we bring with these books would help others and bring laughter and joy of our trials and tribulations in our traveling adventures to many people. So, here is to finally making it happen in 2024.


The work we’re doing is not hard since we are very familiar with catering and kitchen work but being on our feet all day on those hard floors, and the cold, damp weather is taking a toll on our bodies, but we will get through it. We love our chef and the other workers, and we seem to be appreciated by everyone and we appreciate all of them. 

We are attempting to get ourselves better, so we are able to do something more than just recuperate on our days off…all work and no play is not good for us. Hopefully, the weather starts cooperating so at least we can begin enjoying the hot tubs again, it has been too freezing and wet to go to them in the past few weeks and we miss that time.


Our anniversary is this week on Thursday…27 years! The universe knew exactly who we needed in our lives when we met and married. He gets me and I get him, there is nobody else in this world that I would rather grow old with and share it all, the good, the bad and the ugly of growing old. It ain’t pretty and it ain’t for the weak, but together, we got this!

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