
Saturday, June 17, 2023

More Lake George Adventures

We are getting away on our days off enjoying the area and time is flying, it’s already mid June. 

We were told the busyness would start Memorial Weekend and continue for a few months. Different perspectives on what is busy since we have not seen busy but others feel it has been. We have so many people in our department that many of us are always looking for things to do and others just play on their phones. What some deem as busy, we feel it’s disorganization, NO communication, and everyone wants to be the boss which leaves not enough workers. Too many in some departments and not enough in others. In spite of it all, we are determined to make our best times out of this entire situation by doing us and giving our all to the customers and spending our time off enjoying the area.


One of our weekends we enjoyed The Mohican steamboat adventure. We just took the shortest trip they offered just to see how I would handle it and I was fine but no plans to take any longer one. We took lots of photos and even enjoyed a Sangria on the boat. 

We stayed at the Comfort Inn so we could enjoy a little hot tub and pool time. Since we couldn’t find a local restaurant open for lunch we used our Christmas gift card and ate at Applebees. The food was excellent.

Jerry hates clowns but after some pleading he sat next to the clown for a photo. All went well until I couldn’t resist to scream at him that the clown was alive…I sure wished I pushed the video start button sooner because I missed his reaction which was priceless. He really does hate clowns.

Our next week took us for some play and relax time at Saratoga Springs Resort & Casino. We played and left with more money than we came with and had a great time. The hotel was quant and they upgraded us to a suite that we fully enjoyed.

Our next adventure, we took a drive around Lake George, not too many areas to see great views, only lots of tree lined roads, something we are noticing more of on all our trips.

We stayed at The George NY in Lake George and had a marvelous time. The hot tub and pool were so much fun, Jerry even decided to take on the slide, but only once. I was able to capture him on video coming down. Check it out below…


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