
Sunday, October 30, 2022

Best Decision EVER!!!

 We have been prepping the kitchen to open this week and we are definitely enjoying ourselves, especially because we are ending every night in the hot tub with some wine, our choice of medication.

Fun Times Café at the Sun Vista RV Resort is going to be a happening place this winter. We are making as many “from scratch “ items as possible, like cookies, pastries, cobblers, muffins, biscuits and so much more. We are going to create some excellent specials every week that will be quite tasty!

Jerry made my birthday special as he always does, he began my morning by texting me from the kitchen the sweetest, loving words he has ever said which says a lot because he constantly leaves me love notes and messages all the time, but this one was so heartfelt it made me quiver! 


We went to Red Lobster with a gift card to get my shrimp on…all we could eat and all the choices were delicious! Started with yummy seafood stuffed mushrooms and they ended our meal with a birthday ice cream sundae! Ended our evening with the hot tub and wine…we are so enjoying our lives! Best decision we ever made was to leave our last position. We are exactly where we need to be and having the time of our lives.

At the beginning of the week we took a drive up to Laughlin as we have almost every year we’re in Arizona, but this time was strange. We had planned to stay two days and meet up with some friends but after arriving, we both had such an uneasy feeling that neither of us could shake. We tried but things kept getting stranger so after one night we decided to head out and we did. As soon as we left, the uneasiness disappeared. We have learned from many years of experiencing times like this that we now listen to ourselves without having to explain, we just know we were not at the right place and needed to make that shift and things once again felt right. It’s not as if we could predict anything that was going to happen, we just knew something bad was going to occur if we did not leave. We both wish we had more information to go on at moments like those, but we don’t. All we know is that when we don’t listen to our guts and continue to force it, nothing goes right and bad things usually happen.

We seem to be on the right track nowadays and we don’t want to take any steps backwards. We are enjoying each and every moment with such enthusiasm and lust for life once again and it all feels right. Life is grand and we are looking forward to a winter of exciting work with a lot of fun thrown into each day!

Yes, we rented a golf cart for the winter, this resort is HUGE!

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