
Thursday, March 03, 2022

Life Goes On…

Have you ever felt your life is so disorganized that it feels as if you will never have that sense of organization again? That’s just what we are feeling right this moment and we don’t like it because we are organized people and this is so unnatural to us. Things are coming together, but at the same time we are so afraid to trust that we will get what is right for us.

Even though the first Park Model was heaven sent and came when we needed it, it definitely is not something we would have chosen if we weren’t desperate. A nice enough owner, but we are private people and she found all sorts of excuses to stop by and then there was a couple that is thinking about renting next year that was totally infringing on our privacy…too much. Plus the place was dirty and dusty and the bathroom is hardly a step up from our motorhome and it has that old home smell.

Daytona Day…we had Bloody Maria’s and the best tasting BBQ ribs Jerry has ever made on the grill. We chose to put our worries away for the day, we learned that during these stressful times, we need to continue looking forward and enjoying all that life has to offer us. That is exactly what we did all day!

Our week began on a huge disappointment, we had high hopes for a successful day with great leads for a truck and a place to stay, but it fell apart quickly. We got to the car dealership and were told the truck was at their other lot, so now more driving. But when we arrived there, we were told that truck was no longer available but they had others to show us. Really? We were upset that we got sucked into the bait and switch ordeal. It’s so simple…a truck and a home and we can just relax and once again enjoy the ride. What the hell is going on?

We did find a place to stay until May, not perfect but it will have to do and it’s saving us loads of money. Just a few more moves and we should be settled in to where we can just enjoy our time instead of worrying where we will be next week.

We did an event in Catalina, Arizona and t was definitely a small event so we didn’t have a chance to make any big bonus as we have on several others.

We moved our storage to our new unit in a better part of town…Tucson is so much harder than Phoenix to get around with no freeways, just side streets that take forever to get through. Now we are right off the freeway, not just our storage but our park models too.

We had a day between moves so we opted to have some playtime and a huge bed and shower at Estrella at Casino Del Sol and we were not disappointed. We also splurged and had the Seafood Buffet and ate lots of Crab Legs along with other goodies!

Our first Park Model is for 2 weeks before we move into the next one for 2 months. This one is smaller of the two but it’s cute and so much cleaner than our last one. It has all the necessities and what it didn’t have we got ours from storage so we are good to go for now.

We have chosen to make the best out of every situation that life is handing us right now and just go with it all and HAVE FUN!

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