
Saturday, February 05, 2022

Well That Wasn’t Fun At All

Time off was over as we begin our full schedule working with True Honey Teas with an event almost weekly, some several days long and a few with just a few days long and most with 9am to 5pm hours. This is going to be fantabulous…or so we thought!

We finished up our honey do’s in Yuma, still not finding our next home but it will happen but for now we are getting things ready with the vehicles we have. 


We had a very rough start…anything and everything has turned to crap in just a few days. It started off fine, we safely but barely got to the Big Tent before the motorhome began overheating. We assumed it was the usual but this was a bit different, but the good news was we arrived in our spot for the next 10 days and then afterwards we would have to deal with it. And, boy did we ever!


We setup and got ready for a 9 day show, even though it wasn’t as busy as it has been in past years, we thought it would be a good event…boy, were we ever wrong. 

The tent was frigid and our desert allergies turned to colds mid show and we were both dragging. No fevers, no body aches, just loss of strength, no appetites and coughing. I stayed in bed for a few days since the show was really slow, not the biggest crowds at all and as each day past it got slower. Absolutely did not make the money we had anticipated but we did make some.


Finally we broke it all down and were so ready to move out of the dusty desert…but as life would have it, we were so wrong AGAIN!


Life just craps all over us at times and we just have to take it and boy did we ever. On Monday, we limped across the street to a full hookup so we could take long showers and clean up the inches of dust and sickness EVERYWHERE, plus they were not allowing us to stay any longer. Then we called the only RV Repair guy in Quartzsite that would come look at it and to say things move slowly here would be the MOST UNDERSTATED statement ever.


It’s now Saturday, 6 days later and we are no further than we were on Monday. He has come out a few times here and there, never on time and either had to go get parts in Parker, which ended up being an all day task for him or there were so many other excuses why he didn’t show back up after us sitting around waiting for hours. This is not appropriate customer service but we had no other choice…we were STRANDED without any sort of paddle or lifeline.

After sitting and waiting for 6 days, the prognosis is that the bypass did not work, she continues to leak like a sieve, it’s coming from a place deep in her guts & bolts where it can’t be diagnosed without removing lots of pieces and parts. We are not going to dump more money into her like we did the Jeep only to have to dispose of it. This could have and should have taken just a few hours to have diagnosed and then by now we would have figured it all out, but instead…incompetence prevailed once again.


We now have Plan B to get us to our next event in Tubac, AZ for a 5 day event but it’s going to be costly but we will do what we have to do and then on our return we will strip what we can from our motorhome, put it in storage and then let her go and then hotel it for a few weeks, months, whatever is needed until we find our next home. Not idealistic but it is what it is…our life at times goes through so much crap that we are definitely used to it all by now. We are still laughing, joking and loving our lives. Thank you all for the prayers, it kept us afloat when we needed it most.


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