
Saturday, July 03, 2021

A Truly Rough Week

Our boss had been a real bear and continued to get even worse. We have never been so micromanaged or unappreciated in our many years of working. His opinionated outburst just kept getting louder, if that is even possible. The worst part is him treating his 3 teams like kindergartners, 2 of us has more years in retail-customer service than him and 1 team is a newbie to retail BUT has a lot of common sense. So he has 3 competent teams but he HAS to do it all, which is fine but he then rants at us as if we made the biggest mistake because we did something to help him out or on some days he wants us to do it. You can’t win with this guy and we have tried our best to make it work, but the nicer we are the worse he gets. We were ready to give up but we are not quitters, and then our decision was made for us…

We were going to have a chat with him, knowing it might have led to us leaving, but we were prepared to do it because we don’t do the drama and prejudices he brings into our work environment. But instead, he met us outside at the beginning of our shift and let us go. 

The worse of it all was the day this all went down was our grandson’s 22nd birthday and it hit me hard…16 years since he and my daughter left our lives. It changed our lives drastically, it changed who we were and who we became and there is still not a moment that they are not in our thoughts, but for the most part we stifle it because it hurts too much. We’re not ready to talk about it or work through the pain of it, we will continue to not discuss it and just continue to bury all the tears, all the pain and go on with our lives because that is who we have become and there is no going back.

It was tough finding an RV spot for the 4th of July weekend while we looked for other work…but we knew somehow we would survive and we are grateful to feel at peace again and not all tensed up due to his shenanigans.

Everything happens for a reason and this is what is best for our souls…working in that negative environment for just those few months began changing our upbeat attitudes and we love people…we love happy…we love filling our souls with good vibes…AND WE DON’T DO DRAMA…and this family is full of it! 

So we will move upward and onward to better things for us! Life is what you make of it and we will rise above it all to our better good and it didn’t take long. Just a few hours after unlocking our resume, we got an email wanting to talk with us about a great opportunity. We talked, we accepted, and we are once again gainfully employed.

We decided to take a few days to unwind from all the drama and just enjoy ourselves. We headed to our next adventure on the 3rd, just on the other side of the mountain near the Grand Tetons, so we have a different area to explore. And, we began our first day on the 4th. 

So far the work , the managers and the other workers feel right…no drama…no outbursts…no micromanaging, and they treat us like competent grown ups…amazing!

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