
Sunday, May 02, 2021

On the Road Again - Our Final 500 Miles

Our first day of driving got us out of a little town and into the bigger city of Provo, UT, just about a 100 mile drive, part interstate and part open roads. After a Walmart stop, we checked in at Lakeside RV Campground with a friendly inviting woman. It was a good choice, especially because she gave us an end site which was great because they have buddy sites which on one side, you are feet away from your neighbors and they were packed. 

We took a short drive through Utah Lake State Park and even though it was cold, there were many visitors. The views were spectacular.


Our next drive was under 100 miles to Century RV Park in Ogden, Utah and was all interstate. We would definitely prefer the roads less traveled, even on a Sunday morning traffic was high, roads were filled with potholes and construction, but we got all settled in for two nights. Our entire stay it rained and we had a few leaks but we survived.


All interstate drive of about 138 miles to Fort Hall, Idaho where we had a play day at Shoshone-Bannock Casino where we left with hundreds more than we walked in with…FUN TIMES! We stayed at Buffalo Meadows RV Park which is located on the casino grounds.


Part interstate drive and now off to the roads less traveled…we drove about 80 miles to our last stop before we arrive to our summer home. We stayed at Sugar RV Park in Sugar City, Idaho for 3 nights, so we could clean up, load up before our last 80 miles. This park is just a site, absolutely no amenities, no facilities, just a nice long level site, on gravel with a little patch of grass. We stopped at Top Notch next door for steak and Jerky and we were not disappointed!


We made it to our destination for the summer without any issues from Maggie or MayC, they were both great as usual. We will be working at Dancing Moose Gifts, the smaller of the two stores, Cradleboard is the bigger store. Our schedule is a few nights and a few day shifts with 2 consecutive days off during the week. We have all sorts of exciting plans of places to visit, which some will be shopping weeks, and others just sightseeing. Weather is a bit of getting used to, but it should warm up soon.

We are excited and happy with our spot too. There are several locations for workers throughout the area that hold 2 sites and we got lucky with a couple with no kids, no pets and friendly, with great WiFi too. Life is Grand!


  1. Looks like a nice site! How far is it to work? I will look forward to reading about your summer work and play.


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