
Friday, January 15, 2021

It’s New…Fresh…Life is Good!

Days are quiet for us at this time and the weather has been quite chilly here in the desert, so we’ve been doing a lot of nothing. It took us a long time to be accepting of this point in our lives, it usually only lasts for a few weeks before we begin looking for our next adventure, but we know PepWear will begin again the end of January, so we are just chilling in the meantime.

We had a terrible neighbor move in and even though we had planned to move eventually, they just made it happen sooner. She is a screamer, a volatile person with no filters and it happens continuously. How her husband lives with the abuse is beyond our comprehension. If we spoke to each other the way she speaks to him, there would be no reason to be together. It is ugly and so eruptive that we were holding our breaths wondering when the shots would be fired.


That’s why we have wheels and it’s time to get them rolling to another site.


We moved and are happy campers once again...the office was going to have a chat with them since they have had several other complaints in just two days about their excessive immature behavior, but we explained that SHE would not change, she is just a screamer, so we moved. So many neighbors came by once we were relaxing by the fire at our new site to tell us their encounters with this woman and it wasn’t pretty either. She even made her way by us and was just being irrational, waving her phone and screaming about needing to order a pizza and if we had any suggestions and we just waved her off…no desire for the drama now that we are in our happy place once again.. 


Our new site is situated on a unique site…the neighbor on our hookup side is a home with nobody scheduled to be in all winter, and our patio faces the putting greens…we are extremely grateful and life once again is grand!

We made a scrumptious Seafood Mac n Cheese...we didn’t want to pay the price for real crab or lobster so we used the imitation...used up all the partial bags of cheeses is our fridge and it turned out quite good.

We had voted mostly Democratic up until this election! Probably never again, unless they truly clean up their house! There is so much rudeness and hatred nowadays since all this stupid crap started and now too many people feel entitled and it’s getting harder for us to play nice, but we will because we will not stoop to their level ever! We continue to hear our nation needs to unite and heal, but yet they feel the NEED to impeach a GREAT President. Take the time and money they are spending on this senseless event and put it to good use, like getting our country back on track before all of this happened. They cannot continue to say one thing and absolutely do the opposite, when will it ever be enough for them? They stopped being our government when they continue to do things out of their misplaced anger that is causing the American people to be divided by their hate and evil. This is enough, let’s move forward with peace and love and get back to making and keeping America beautiful again!


Not only do we continue to distance ourselves from the physical drama, but we are attempting to distance ourselves from the media and internet drama, which seems to be taking longer to do. When it begins to affect our livelihoods again, well it gets tough, but we refuse to feed into all the negativity that surrounds us daily, we will rise above all this evil and we plan to live our best lives in 2021! 


1 comment:

  1. Glad to hearthat you are at peace. Hopefully you can stay that way. I like your positive attitude.



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