
Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Life As We See It

The quality of most services and products have suffered so much since all this Scamdemic began and it seems to be getting worse. Everyday items we notice are not up to the standards that were in place previously, many items that we had been buying for years, now feel different or taste different and there are several inconsistencies in the product, like tears or not the same size within the package or packaging is defective.


My haircuts have been the worst and I have never been too picky about them, but it seems the hairdressers heads are not in the game. They cut around the masks but since we hardly wear the masks except when absolutely forced, my cut is just wrong. They don’t cut it short enough even after I explain to them how short I want it. They are just too busy attempting to get everyone to agree with their political opinions…I’M NOT PAYING THEM FOR THEIR OPINIONS…I just want my hair cut the way it is requested.


As for customer service, well that left when it all began. So many people are just mean spirited and don’t seem to understand how blessed they are to be working, but instead they act as if they are doing you a favor for being there and that we are inconveniencing them by coming in. It’s almost as if we are all distancing ourselves from one another in so many ways there may not be any coming back to friendliness. We have to admit that we have even stopped smiling at others due to face coverings...we have stopped talking with strangers due to social distancing...we keep to ourselves so not to piss someone off who is about to blow due to SO MANY of us that has had ENOUGH! THIS NEEDS TO STOP TODAY...RIGHT THIS MOMENT!


Life has to return to people caring about each other, return to people helping one another in simple ways like holding the doors open, smiling at one another and wishing them a happy day. These masks are the cause and we all need to protect ourselves from the worst case of communism ever brought to our country.


IF these masks are so great in protecting us from this virus, then why are the numbers rising dramatically in the past few weeks when almost everyone we see has one on? Because they ARE NOT effective! Instead they are meant to continue to put a wedge between us citizens so that the government can take our rights away. It’s plain to see and so hard to take, but we are all bowing down to the system, even when we know they are dead wrong. 


Why is that and what can we do about it? 


We are tired of fighting a losing battle, we are tired of being ridiculed when we don’t abide by what we thought was “suggestions “, but instead people feel they have the need and the right to demand that we go along, and if we don’t, they make our lives very uncomfortable. We are distancing ourselves from the media as much as possible so not to get caught up in all the drama, and for us it feels like that’s helping our minds, bodies and hearts.


We were off this week and just did all sorts of honey do’s. We washed and waxed Maggie, fixed most of her blemishes, and shined her tires. We found a resort in Apache Junction using our Thousand Trails Membership that appreciates Maggie that we will continue returning to for this winter. We will be asking them to move our next reservation to a different corner due to the drama this corner has brought with a few of the permanent residents. It sounds like an ugly breakup that we want no part of at all, but otherwise the resort seems really good.


This was our last event this past weekend with PepWear for a short time, and depending on just how long that will be, will determine what we do next. The next month we will take some time to enjoy the holidays, Jerry’s birthday, and our anniversary before finding other work. We have a short trip planned to one of our favorite areas in Arizona that we will tell you all about it next update.

1 comment:

  1. Kimberly and Jerry we couldn't agree more!! We have some dear friends who own a small Mexican restaurant in Blaine and they have been forced to just do take out the heck are they supposed to survive in their business. Miguel posted an article that showed Target with wall to wall people and it asked the question why can these big box stores do business but little mom and pop stores/family owned restaurants be forced to close or nearly close...I asked the question and you would have thought I told people to F off! I just don't get people any more.

    I feel bad for the small businesses who are struggling so and they can't afford the Million$$ lawsuits against this greedy crazy government that has developed. It makes me sad and angry.

    I'm glad you found a campground that isn't giving you grief about Maggie...enjoy your time. One of these days we will cross paths in person but until then...keep the faith, thanks for being an encouragement to Ron and I!




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