
Monday, November 16, 2020

For Being Such a CRAZY Year...

We have most definitely been blessed…our life has been pretty awesome through it all and we can’t be more grateful.

We hung out in cool Show Low for as long as we could, then we made our way to Mesa, where we will hang out for the next few months. A tad warmer for the first few days but then the weather shifted to the way we like it, warm days and cool nights.


With today’s technologies, it’s harder to keep personal things personal. We believe that there are several things in life that should not be broadcasted to the public, voting is one of those things…who, when, where, why is nobody’s business. Our income, salary, what we negotiated in our contract for our work is nobody’s business. There are several other things that we feel are nobody’s business and this seems to be getting harder all the time with the technology of today. We received very personal text messages, phone calls and emails from everywhere asking some personal questions and even just making very personal comments about our rights as citizens. Election Day and the results couldn’t end soon enough for us so we can get back to just living our lives. Whoever wins is out of our control, but we have learned so many lessons through it all. 


The best lesson is that people can really be stupid and we are so glad we chose and continue to choose the high road and not sink to their destructive level. When and why has rioting and looting become normal for winning or losing? Why do people believe that rioting and looting will solve any issue? So very different than a peaceful demonstration, but they turn ugly and then become worse then what they began to protest. Yes, there are injustices in this country, but rioting and looting is NEVER the answer.


No matter who is our President this election or how this Scamdemic plays out, our lives will continue and we will continue living our lives to the fullest as possible. We fed into some of the chaos and it stops now, it actually stopped weeks ago for us, but now it truly stops. We will not feed into the fears and doom and gloom pattern too many have fed into. We stand proud to be an American and our freedom to choose our own lifestyle still exists and we plan to grab it with all the strength we have and live our lives to the fullest.


We worked our first event, a Swim Competition in Mesa, and even though it is not close to the way it was, it is much better than it could have been. No parents or fans were allowed in the Aquatic Center, heck we weren’t allow to sell our merchandise in the Center, but we had a great location right outside where parents could get to us, so it wasn’t so bad. It was so good to see kids again being normal, or as normal as possible during these times, they all kept their masks on and social distancing was always attempted. We have competitions every week going forward through November, possibly through May, and we hope things get easier and stay on this path of recovery from all the harm this Scamdemic has caused us. 

Our 2nd event was Cross Country in Gilbert, Arizona and it went even better. 

We just need to hold on to our faith that it WILL get back to really living our lives once again. We feel it already has for us since we turned off our media feeds and are just relaxing and not being overwhelmed by all the crap they are trying to feed everyone. 


Life will be great again, we all have to keep believing and praying for it and it will happen. Keep focusing on the greatness, knowing we will come out of it having a much brighter outlook if we just stay focused. Life is grand once again as we let go of 2020 and move forward with 2021!

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