
Thursday, October 01, 2020

Our Travel Adventures

We left Rapid City on Tuesday and drove only 137 miles to Lusk, Wyoming and our battery issues continued, so after changing cables and cleaning them again we hoped it worked. Our next day took us 147 miles to Cheyenne, Wyoming and it was a little smokey in those areas, but nothing like how bad it got after we left.

We avoided Denver completely by taking roads less traveled to Colorado Springs which added more miles to our day. We drove 202 miles, way too much for us right now and our battery issues continued so we knew we needed a new battery. Colorado is more structured with the Scamdemic regulations so it made us truly uncomfortable checking in at the KOA. To us it’s just crazy to insist we have on a mask BUT we are crammed at a desk elbow to elbow. Social distancing and washing of hands and the area is the best preventative treatment. We asked to extend our reservation for an additional night but the clerk said we would have to move since there was someone coming into that site the next day. I asked if they paid the additional cost of reserving a certain site and they had not, but even when the lead came over she insisted she couldn’t do it. It’s these times I wish I could go behind the counter and do it for them…it may not always be easy but it could be done especially when the same type of site was available for both nights. I found this out when I went online to make a 2 day reservation and it was available, but they would not refund our initial reservation so we opted to get our battery issue under control, and not visit the Garden of Gods this time. Incompetence and lowered customer service is getting to be more wide spread since this Scamdemic began, people are getting even ruder than ever. We picked up our battery and left in the morning.

We didn’t want to take I25 south through Raton and Santa Fe again so we only drove 58 miles to the Colorado City KOA where the customer service was much more appealing. We then only had 147 miles to Taos, New Mexico where we found a gem of a RV Park by taking the back roads. As far as getting to a good road from the park the next morning, well that was very challenging on our GPS. It took us on a few miles of undesirable neighborhoods before we finally got to NM68 that took us along the Rio Grande and great roads with fantastic views.

We decided to hang out at Enchanted Trails in Albuquerque, New Mexico for 2 days, driving 145 miles that changed our speedometer for the 3rd time since we got her with 65,000 miles on her…WOW…she is and always has been a beast and a goat on the steeper grades even with over 300,000 miles on her. 


Gallup, NM was open this time through so we stayed at USA RV Park, one of our favorites on I40. The entire travel was on interstate, so lots of semis, bumps and speeders, but they had done construction through this area and it was smoother for the most part. Just didn’t like all the signs that “Face Masks Required In Public in New Mexico “. We so hope Arizona is not so stupid about it all, and is more like it was in South Dakota…so much calmer there, but no way we could have handled the frigid, snowy cold there.


Our final day drive, we decided to get off the interstate for our last 138 miles, so we took 191 South to Saint Johns and than 61 to 60 into Show Low, where we will be hanging out for about a month. The roads were fine except for a long stretch of VERY rough, almost roller coaster like. Temperatures are still too high in Phoenix, especially in the evenings, so since the evenings here are in the 40s, we will relax and enjoy it longer then we initially planned.

We also discussed and both decided yesterday that we were done with all this crap...we are going back to living in our own little world without the media, without all the political opinions! Our lives are so much richer without all the hullabalooshit! Turning off all the nonsense and begin living the rest of our lives happily ever after!



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