
Saturday, October 24, 2020

Getting Back to Normal

All this rest is definitely getting our bodies back to normal, or as normal as we could get at our age. We definitely worked hard over the summer and are trying to take care of ourselves much better by resting and eating better. More veggies, seafood, chicken, less red meat, pork, processed and fried foods…so far our tummies are agreeable with the changes.

This was our week out of the Thousand Trails membership parks, so since we are still trying to stay cool, we opted to stay at HonDah RV Park in Pinetop, Arizona, just a short drive from Show Low and still in the mountains. With our Thousand Trails Membership we are allowed to stay two weeks in and then one week out, ends up being cheaper then paying monthly rents in these areas. For some, it may not be the way to go, but we love moving around, keeping ours and Maggie’s body parts moving and having a fresh experience each move is what we enjoy.


Two more weeks, actually only 12 days back to Venture In RV Resort in Show Low since we got a few assignments from PepWear to work beginning the first week in November, all the way to the end of November. Looking forward to be back with the sports kids championships, one event is swimming, a cross country, a soccer and a football, we are so excited!


We have been blessed through this entire Scamdemic, we have not been unemployed at all during the entire time. We have several opportunities going forward and it is not harder finding work as many have complained about, but then again we have always been able to find work through our years of traveling and even prior to coming out, even when others told us it would never happen. We are not getting rich, never have through all our years on this earth, but we are happy and we are totally blessed with our experiences. We are both blessed with finding one another and sharing this life with one another, neither of us could have done it without each other. We are both blessed with easily learning new things, both professionally and personally. We are especially blessed that we maintain our positive attitudes during all the good and not so good times. It’s life, our lives and we are living every moment as if it were our last and enjoying every bit of it.


There is snow forecasted the beginning of this week up here in the mountains for a few days, going down to frigid at night and we don’t plan to head down to Mesa until next week…brrrrrrr! It’s all good, we will be just fine, at least it’s not inches or feet of that white stuff predicted as it was in Colorado in the Spring.


We had an enjoyable drive through Petrified Forest and Painted Desert this week. We wrote a separate entry with loads of photos, but have hundreds more to share. It’s amazing how we have passed through the area so many times in our stays in Arizona and never drove through. If you ever get the opportunity, please do yourself a favor and take the 28 mile drive, you will not regret it.

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