
Saturday, September 12, 2020


Facebook is deleting ALL VIDEOS that are not supportive of promoting the virus or their view of it all, including their choice of politicians. Several times we have shared factual video’s exposing the truth that this entire virus is a farce or the updated numbers and they have been removed by them. Google is doing the same! Whatever happened to free speech? Who are they to censor our speech?


It is official…we are no longer going to be using Google or any of its subsidiaries. It’s going to take some time to change all our searches, photos, etc. to Bing but it’s what we need to do. Today, we researched on Google…”mask wearing side effects” and there were only two articles simply stating there aren’t any side effects and these articles suggest to continue wearing them and just learn how to breathe…NO FUCKING WAY! Then I Bing’d the same exact question and got pages of factual side effects, and some are very dangerous…REALLY?


Can you say “CONTROL”? Exactly what Google and Facebook are trying to do, so it’s time to let it go and move forward with the reality of an uncensored search engine and life for us.


Now we get an update from Facebook that their Terms will change as of October 1st, to include their right to delete our posts if they don’t like it...WHATEVER HAPPENED TO OUR FREE SPEECH? The only posts they continue to delete of ours are the ones that are pro Trump. Guess this will be a good time for us to exit Facebook. In the meantime we are getting our photos off Google and putting them elsewhere for safe keeping.


Why is Walmart insisting we wear a mask in their store when “mask mandate” is not in place in South Dakota? Why are they continuing to make it a mandate when they are no longer cleaning any surfaces from prior customers…seriously? The best defense from viruses are washing your hands thoroughly and cleaning surfaces constantly. Why has that gone, but these frigging useless masks continue…why because it’s not about a virus, but instead it’s all been politically driven and continues to drive it into that stupid direction.


We hung out in South Dakota for the summer and will be leaving the end of September and the Governor of South Dakota NEVER shut anything down and still to this day the numbers are so low. We will be heading to Arizona and just pray things are calm there as well, it was when we left but we have heard rumors of the opposite.


Shutting down America for a frigging virus was stupid, but to keep it closed for this long for such a incorrect reason is beyond stupidity. Common sense has gone right out the window, along with curtesy amongst one another. The great divide of this nation is happening and so many people just can’t seem to recognize a bamboozo when they see it. We have all been used, we have all been brainwashed, we have all been victimized by something we as Americans never seen coming. We all have to wake up and save America before it’s too late…we have to stand up for ourselves peacefully but with conviction before this country goes under.


CDC gave an update to the “numbers” and basically stated that out of the hundreds of thousands deaths they had posted, in reality only about 6% or under 10,000 Americans died from exclusively the virus. WTF!


911 was a real eye opener for us…19 years ago it was an outrageous act on our country and we as Americans stood strong together. We were all outraged once the initial shock wore off that such a tragedy could happen on our soil. We demanded answers all awhile standing firm as true Americans. There were no riots, there was no looting, there were no races, no religions and certainly no political parties…there were just Americans standing together to gain control back in our country. The media didn’t begin dividing the people, they didn’t start placing the blame on certain majorities, they too were on their best behavior. So, PLEASE answer this, why is this all happening now? Why aren’t we standing as proud Americans and fighting together today for a better America? Why are we continuing to allow the media and politicians to divide our country? How far will this go before we lose all of rights, freedoms and justice for all?


We all need to love one another like we have never loved before! We all need to get out from behind our masks and smile at one another. Embrace each other instead of keeping a distance between one another so we can all feel the power within ourselves. Reach out and help one another instead of being afraid to touch one another. This has to stop NOW!

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