
Sunday, May 10, 2020

Travel Time

I just couldn’t stand it anymore…I gave myself a haircut…it could have been worse…I can’t wait to hear the comments from my stylist once they are open. I have been begging Jerry to cut mine but he refused, never has he ever refused me anything, but this time he stood strong in his refusal. I even threatened him and told him I wouldn’t cut his until he cut mine but that didn’t last because I couldn’t look at him any longer with his shabbiness. Thank goodness I always get mine cut wacky anyway, never even or blunt, always sassy and wispy, so it’s really hard to see just how bad my cut really is but I can feel it.

The weather has been so agreeable, even though our allergies are still raging due to the wind and dusty areas, we are so much more comfortable. 

We decided to leave on Wednesday and just puddle jump to our summer location. Because of restrictions at resorts at our regular stops have to be changed, we are taking our time to get there and experiencing new RV Parks. We have our chosen ones and these new ones are not coming close to comparing to them, but we do what we got to do. Check out all our separate review blogs posted for all the details.

Wednesday was under 60 miles to Holbrook, Arizona where we stayed at OK RV Park. A little less altitude so it was a bit warmer but cooled down nicely at night.

Thursday’s travel took us 150 miles to Milan, New Mexico, where we stayed at Bar S RV Park, even though it was only $22, we will not be returning to this dust bowl.

We puddle jumped 117 miles on Friday to Moriarty, New Mexico with a strong head wind and CRAZY drivers through Albuquerque, we landed at Happy Trails RV Campground where the dogs run free, definitely not our kind of place.

Only 104 miles on Saturday to Las Vegas, New Mexico at the KOA with an entirely different experience than back in March. It seems RV Parks are few and far between on our route so we will be using mostly KOA’s. Fortunately their prices are actually lower than the other dumpy ones on our route so it’s all good.

The even better news is as we are traveling and stopping at different stores, we are finding less and less drama and more shelves being loaded. Now we have seen a few towns totally shutdown during our travels through New Mexico, but for the most part people are not so panicked as they had been, and we love it!

As much as we attempted to not feed into the media frenzy, it kept creeping into our lives. And we both agree that we would rather die living then to die dying…all this madness is causing people to stop living their lives and we choose not to feed into the frenzy.

It’s not about thinking beyond oneself but thinking for ourselves without the Government and media telling us how to think. It’s about our rights and liberties being stomped on over truly misrepresentation from them. The truth is not being said, only pure drama is being emphasized and putting fear in people who stopped thinking for themselves.

We are so grateful that we were able to spend most of these crazy times in Arizona, where they are not part of the craziness, but instead for the most part handled it with caution, but not panicked driven. We are also so thrilled that our summer gig is in one of the states that is not overreacting to all of this, and we may be able to truly have a fantastic experience.

With keeping with our normal lately of posting weekly on Sunday, the final jaunt of our road trip will be updated next week. Life for us is getting to a fantastic point and we are feeling more alive than we have in weeks. Even though we usually don’t socialize with others very often, it just has felt strange, not being able to smile at people and stop to chat, but that seems to be lifting along with many of the other restrictions that were in place. We are blessed and our lives are rich!

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