
Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Our First Work Week

Before we started our work week, we relaxed and enjoyed a real NASCAR race, for the first time in weeks, it was almost like Daytona Day with Nachos but minus the Margaritas this time. So appreciative that things are coming back, not as quickly as we would like, but slowly will have to do.

The weather is very strange here…one night the water froze and we had no water for a few hours, but then the next few days the temperatures skyrocketed to the 80s…then plummeted back to the highs in the 60s…lots of rain and wonderful thunderstorms…but no snow…strange! We are not complaining, we are loving this entire experience.

We had two extensive training days and they were interesting, loads of information about the company, just enough information about the wine making process and then experiencing tastings ourselves. Yep, you heard me, tasting wines and getting paid for it. Could life be any better?

We then got two days off and we spent it deep cleaning Maggie to get ALL the desert dust out so I can breathe better. Allergies are still threatening us, but I am able to take my antihistamines every other day and at times every 3 days, so it’s getting better. If it wasn’t for all that’s going on, I probably wouldn’t even be on any by now, but I don’t want to take the chance of a cough or sneeze…people are too weird and take it the wrong way.

It’s going to take some time getting used to our schedules, the hours are second shifts and we are early risers, but we will learn to stay up later so we can sleep in later as the summer begins.

We are working 5 days a week with 40+ hours, just how we like it and after just a few days we are in the wine groove. Yes, we are on our feet ALL SHIFT, but what a fun way to spend our time. People are happy to do the few things we HAVE to do to abide the restrictions. We DO NOT like wearing the masks, but if that allows us to continue to serve tastes then so be it, but we are both getting the newest disease “maskne” from wearing them…ugh!

We hardly see any masks on guests nor are they social distancing which we believe should not be necessary anymore anyway. The real numbers should speak for themselves…not the media, but there are still some people who believe in the worse…so be it and they should stay home, wear masks and/or distance themselves. As for us we have never fed into the hysteria and do not plan to start now, so we are going about living our lives without all these hysteria driven restrictions.

Our country is dividing, and we are both saddened that we are losing friendships over this because some people just do not know how to be civil. We live in the Land of the Free where our military has fought hard to keep it that way for us. So, if you feel you need to stay home…then please do…if you feel you need to wear a mask and social distance…then please do…that is your choice, but please do not be rude to us, call us names, or ridicule us because OUR opinion is different from yours. We respect your opinions and allow you to speak them and never have we attacked any of you for your opinions, we just agree to disagree and allow you to be you while we stay us, but unfortunately that has not been what some of you have returned to us. So, if you feel you need to change our opinions so they match yours then we just might as well move onward and we hope you have a good life. As for us we are just going to continue doing us!


  1. So glad you are getting settled...and we are still cleaning dust out of our trailer a year after we quit gate guarding!!! Getting paid to taste that sounds like right up my alley!!!

    I agree with you...we each can make our own choices but we don't have to be rude or mean to someone who doesn't do or believe the same as us!!!

    Take care and hope to see you down the road sometime!!!

  2. That job sounds fun. You both live an adventurous life. Please keep us updated on your job. Great Blog

  3. Hi, nice to see your in our area. We live in Hill City and work in Rapid. we will wear masks, and distance, not because I am afraid of others, but we haven't been tested, so I am in my own way protecting others. From my life's experiences, I am 70 I know people can be sick and show absolutely NO symptoms, Hello pneumonia, which I get several times a year. So I am protecting others, cause tho I don't feel or look sick, I am not 100% sure. Covid has been on the rise in this area and we have not hit our peak yet. Even when its totally over, and it never may be, I think I will wear my mask in public, I'll just "pretend" I am Japanese. It helps this time of the year anyway, and I have always worn one, cause the damn cotton just kills my sinus's.


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