
Sunday, May 03, 2020

Life Is Strange

Just like that our life took a fantastic change and the world seems right again, or at least as right as it can be under these circumstances.

Not only did we get our Stimulus help, but we had several offers for summer work. A few were pretty interesting, but the best one was at the Prairie Berry Winery in Hill City, South Dakota confirming our new start date of May 18th…yeah, we are going to be Taster Room Associates. Even though we passed through this area once years ago, we wanted to spend more time exploring it again and this will give us a few months to do just that.

We only worked 2 days Jyving last week, because it is extremely hot building bikes on the patios when temperatures are over a hundred. We then took a day to get some errands completed, and then we got out of Mesa on Thursday. We couldn’t get into our Thousand Trails reservation until Friday, May 1st when they lifted their restrictions and we wanted out of the HEAT, so we opted a one night stay in Payson, AZ, where it was much cooler.

We got to the area way too early since the heat was excruciating even in the early morning and our site was still occupied. We tried to get into other resorts nearby but they were all booked, so we had to pay this higher price and non accommodating attitudes. We were unable to contact anyone personally, only online or phone messages and we needed an early arrival, so we just showed up at 10am and hoped for the best. Everything was closed and we never got a return call, but our online confirmation gave us a site number. Just as we were going to go to our site we were approached by a man that immediately said checkin time was a few hours away and we would not be able to get in until our site was vacated. We asked for another site and were told they were booked and could not move us elsewhere, so we told him we would wait. After about an hour, we were finally escorted to our site…strange…we didn’t see anyone leave, but did see several other empty sites on our short escorted drive…hmmmm! 

We have serious issues with resorts automatically sticking to checkin times, especially camping, but also hotels, we feel if it’s available, then why not allow the new guest to checkin early. It’s great customer service to accommodate in every way you can, it makes for good business.

On the subject of customer service, since this all started it seems things are getting crazier. Lately at stores, they now have directions on the floors, not just the 6’ apart labels but now which way you should go down an aisle. “Enter This Way” “Do Not Enter This Way”…OMG ARE YOU FRIGGING KIDDING ME! We would have to just about go down every aisle which we never need to do, so we just continue to go down the aisles in the direction we are going. Well the past few times, instead of the workers just doing their jobs by stocking the shelves, they have been policing this new “suggested policy “ and being quite rude about it. Too many people are becoming stir crazy and things are getting out of control and it’s getting scary.

It’s time to take our rights and liberties back and stop all this foolishness before there will be no going back. We are Americans and know what is good for ourselves, we do not need dictatorship. We refuse to just follow blindly and are receiving a lot of friction from others, but we will continue to do what we know is for our own good without being led by the hand.

Yes, these are strange times, but we wish more people would depend on the official websites to get their facts and STOP listening to the media. The stats from this disease our dropping drastically and never truly reached a pandemic state. How sad that this has mostly been a feeding media frenzy, instead of the reality of a normal virus for this time of the year. The media frenzy has cost people their livelihoods and their lives, not from the disease but from the fears the media has put into many lives.

We are hanging out in Show Low, Arizona for about a week at one of our Thousand Trails parks to get prepared for our 1200 mile journey to our summer gig. Due to the circumstances, we have to travel differently, calling ahead for the most part to see if resorts are open and available, and to find out their new procedures. Many of the offices are not open so it all has to be taken care of online or some by phone to not only pay, but to receive site numbers and directions to the sites. It’s a little difficult since we are still driving separately and neither of us will attempt to make calls while we are driving, but we are traveling again and that is good.

We hope you all are doing what is good for yourselves and your loved ones and still holding on to your liberties and freedom as Americans should.

1 comment:

  1. Your summer job sounds fabulous! Enjoy your time in the Black Hills!


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