
Sunday, March 08, 2020

Wow…Where Does the Time Go?

We were staying just over into California and they sell lottery tickets at the resort store, so we bought one, but then realized they do not cash out any big winnings and we got one. So, the closest California store who would cash it out was in Blythe, 60 miles away…road trip! Not only did we cash it out, but we also found our favorite wine and it was on sale…so it was a double win day!

We have been interviewing since November with several great opportunities and had been offered a few, but none were “the one” we wanted so we decided we would wait and not just take anything, and we waited. Then we got a call, we interviewed with them months ago and were hired but were told we would have to find our own site somewhere since all their sites were taken by other workers. We immediately did some research and found that the area had only daily rentals, no monthlies during the prime season and the cost was $50+ which would make it about $1500 per month…OUCH! We had to let them know that we could not accept under those circumstances and they said they would keep us on top for next year and we said that would be great, but also if anything opened this year to please give us a call and if we didn’t find anything at that time we would love to join them this year. We didn’t have much hope since it sounded as if they had set workers, but that is exactly what happened.

We will be working at Prairie Berry Winery in Hill City, South Dakota for the summer, we are so jazzed. Working as Tasting Room Associates, serving wine tastes to guests, learning more about the wine industry and this family winery and sharing all this information with the guests. Could we have found a better job or location? We don’t think so. We passed through that area several years ago, but now we get to spend the entire summer checking it all out, we are so blessed. Life is grand!

We are looking forward to the cooler temperatures as we begin our travels. We plan a few stops along our way to work some Jyve’s to keep our gas tanks full since we are still traveling separately and we have a month to get there. 

The timing could not have been better since the heat is arriving, along with the aggravating pollen in the area. We are both sneezing and our eyes are itchy and watering like crazy, no better time like the present to get out of the dusty desert. Even though this area is one of favorites, it still has its downfalls, like the pollen, the dust and at this resort the ABSOLUTELY SLOW INTERNET…OMG…have not been able to get anything done and because it’s a membership park, many guests believe they do not have to follow the pet policies, barking dogs and allowing them on our site to take care of their business.

Our first day of travels took us just over 100 miles to Kingman, Arizona with a Walmart, haircut stop and temperatures 15 degrees lower already. We stayed at Zuni Village RV Park, check out our separate blog entry for the entire review.

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