
Friday, January 10, 2020

It’s a New Year with a New Attitude

Our plans for New Years Eve changed drastically due to me catching a cold that Jerry had been fighting for days that HE SHARED, so now we both have a little bit of it. It’s my own fault, he told me his throat was feeling a bit scratchy and I continued to kiss him…will I ever learn that with old age comes my weaker immune system? We never used to get sick, but now it happens way too often, but thank goodness it’s just a small cold this time that we are fighting with lots of Vitamin C, Vicks and cough drops. Not the way we had planned to spend the new year, but it’s all good! Took a few extra days, but I’m feeling human again.

This year we have chosen to stay positive and not sink into the dark despair like we usually do at this time of the year and it feels right. We are living in the moment and not trying to control every little thing that happens, just allowing life to flow.

We were having some wine and talking when we got a message about an opportunity and we both got excited…it led to a great “ROAD TRIP” to Flagstaff, Arizona…

We headed out on Tuesday morning, got to Flagstaff around 11am, stocked the shelves at Safeway, finished up about 4pm, checked into our hotel and had a great time. The suite was fantastic and the shower was magnificent. Got on the road Wednesday about 11am and got back home around 2pm…it was wonderful.

We stayed our first two weeks at Mesa Sprit RV Resort using our Thousand Trails, but now it’s time to go elsewhere for a week before we return again for two, we will be doing this for the next few months while we are working some Jyve’s and some PepWear events, and also finally crossing off working the Spring Training in Surprise, Arizona off our “Life List”…looking forward to finally working it, but not too excited about the daily commute from Mesa, but we were unable to reserve a resort closer that did not have age restrictions for Maggie, so we do what we have to do and make it work.

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