
Sunday, December 22, 2019

What Is Up With This Weather?

We were going to stay in Texas for awhile, but then the weather was damp and cold for the first week, so since there was no work prospects we chose to come to sunny Arizona. Shortly after we arrived in Casa Grande it rained and continued to rain off and on, more then usual for a few days…ugh! One night we were rudely awoken to a thunder that roared through the mountains and made it sound 1,000 times worse than it was…strange weather!

Then there was one of those days that usually sends us into a tailspin down that deep dark hole of despair, BUT we refuse to allow it to consume our lives again. Nothing really major, just our dream job passed us by AGAIN, but also little nuisances that were just annoying and truly testing our patience. We can’t, we will not allow this crap to take over our lives once again, we will rise above it all.

And, we did…

We found several different types of work that sounds promising. The first company we began with this week is Jyve. What we do is claim the Jyve’s we’re interested in working, the first few were at Safeway Supermarkets, where we go in and find our pallets and stock the shelves…usually takes a few hours, depending on how many cases we have. The pay is decent and we can work as many or as few days as we choose to do. We are currently in Casa Grande, so we look in Tucson and Phoenix and everywhere in between and decided we might just move up to Mesa because it looks as if there are more options closer. We also have other really good opportunities that could work out well for us…will keep you all posted.

We rented a car for a week to find a vehicle and to get us to those jobs, and ended up finding our new May C in the resort we were staying. A wonderful Canadian couple had it for sale and it was what we were looking for, except it does not have a tow package, so that is next on our list. If anybody has one lying around or knows anyone with one, please let us know, otherwise we will be driving separately again for awhile.

We were at the Fiesta RV Resort for 2 weeks at $0 using our Thousand Trails, but we had to be out for a week so we moved to Rover’s Roost using our Escapees for a week at a little over $100, then after that week we are moving to Mesa at a Thousand Trails for 2 weeks at $0 again.

We’re still looking for more work, but in the meanwhile we are stocking shelves at Albertsons and/or Safeway stores. Not loving the work and hoping our meeting with the SS office this week gets our retirement going and/or we find more enjoyable work.

We hope you all have some wonderful holidays…we plan to enjoy them in our own way without all the hustle and bustle that this time of the year usually brings. The only big celebration will be Jerry’s 62nd birthday on Monday, the plan is for some fun and romance!


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