
Friday, September 13, 2019

Another Year at BOA

Our travel to Cedar Hill, Texas was “adventurous”. Our motorhome’s heating issues are still overshadowing our travels which made for a very stressful 1500 mile adventure. Even after spending 30 days in Barstow and thousands of dollars, she’s still overheating, so much so that we had to become night drivers, something we really don’t like doing, but we did what had to be done. But, once daylight hit and the sun beat down on her, up went her temperature, almost immediately and just about to the boiling point. We can’t count how many times we had to pull over and let her cool down, which was a task because we were in extremely hot weather, so it took awhile for her to cool down.

Have you all noticed that we are now calling Maggie, our motorhome? The reason for this is that it is time to let it go, and if we continue to define it as she it becomes personal, this is not a personal matter, it is a decision we have to make without emotions. It’s a thing, not a part of the family, not a friend, an object that needs to be replaced so we can enjoy our traveling once again. Still not sure what we are going to get, but whatever it is we sure do hope it is as reliable as this one WAS for so many years.

We worked a few weeks at the shop before we began our travels and the heat was excruciating, we have become such fair weather people that it doesn’t take much. The humidity is not “as bad” as it usually is at this time of year, but the temperatures were hitting 100+…definitely too hot for us.

We stayed at Texan RV Ranch the first two weeks, but then had to begin our hotel stays since we couldn’t take the heat anymore in our motorhome. We stayed at Best Western Plus in Mansfield, Texas for 5 nights. The room was clean, roomy with microwave, refrigerator, couch, chair and a King bed. They offered RV/Truck parking, but we couldn’t find it, unless they meant at the Walmart behind it, but that didn’t seem right, so we were lucky we didn’t have the trailer yet. We took full advantage of the pool and spa during our stay and had it to ourselves, just like we like it.

Our travel began on Friday the 13th, but all went as well as we could expect. We usually book a hotel nearby since we usually do not get out until late afternoon and this year was no different. We stayed at  LaQuinta In Forest Hill, Texas and it was perfect. Plenty of parking for the truck and trailer, good customer service and the best bed we have slept in for a long time.

Our first event is next Saturday in Toledo, Ohio, so we have time to travel and plenty of rest, which is really needed at this time for both of us.

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