
Sunday, January 27, 2019


We left Yuma on a frigging windy and frigid day when unfortunately we had issues with the tow bar straps. Apparently the new ones we bought were not the right size, they were huge, so we dragged out the old ones, thankful that we saved them. The entire hour drive we were big time rock and rolling due to the wind, thankfully we were only heading to Quartzsite, about 70 miles.

We did a little Quartzsite shopping, checked out the area and listened to our favorite radio station, the one that still tucks us in at 10pm and plays some real oldies. Both nights we were there it got down to freezing and we had the heat on and the first night the spigot froze up since it’s 2 feet above ground, so the next night we dripped our water all night and it didn’t freeze.

Then we drove under 50 miles to get to Earp to one of our favorite resorts for a few days only this time, we usually stay a few weeks but we have to get to Palm Desert for work on the 9th. During our 5 day stay the weather was frigid and wet so we weren’t able to enjoy our patio fires.

Upon leaving we had some issues with Dolly, it’s taking some major learning lessons for us being able to tow MayB safely. The first few drives we had MayB in neutral which was a pain undoing the battery, but then because she was in neutral her steering was making Dolly do some strange things so we read that MayB should be in park since she’s front wheel drive. That sounded more logical to us, but the steering wasn’t locking as it should and it made a weird thing happen to Dolly which didn’t look right, so we unloaded her and reloaded her and it all drove fine. Not sure what we are doing wrong, and as with anything it seems lately, everyone has their own opinion which they swear is the correct way. We are living and learning for sure.

Jerry fell over Dolly while we were frustrated hooking it all back up! He is bruised and sore but all I could say was, “Damn you Jerry, what is our number one rule? That’s right, DO NOT FALL, what the...” I’m sure you all know the rest of the conversation and then the tears came from both of us, mostly tears of gratefulness that he was not hurt too bad.

We arrived safely in Palm Desert where we worked at Sam’s selling Lt Blender’s frozen cocktails. We are definitely NOT happy with the new pay scale, we weren’t making enough money from them the past few years, but now they have gone in the totally opposite direction, but we needed something. We thought we found some other work, but as it has been going lately for us, it fell through with a huge thud.

Our stay in Palm Desert this time was the wettest and coldest EVER, so we were not able to enjoy our patio, fire time at all. Staying positive and holding on is getting tough and we are getting weary, but giving up is never an option for us, so we persist.

Made it back to Yuma to work another Lt Blender at Sam’s since we have yet to find anything else. This has definitely been the toughest time for us in all our years doing this, but we can’t and won’t give up. We are barely holding on but we know this too shall pass, we know that at any moment this can all change in an instant and we will be back on the gravy train.

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