
Saturday, June 16, 2018

Wine Tastings in Palisade

We had such a grand time, we didn’t want to come back, but we did.

We both got off work at 2pm, in the heat of the day. No worries up here, but it was in the 90’s once we got off the mountain and it was hot! Just about a three-hour drive and a Walmart stop to get my haircut, we checked into our hotel around 6pm. Whew, that makes for a long day. We just took the night relaxing, showering in a huge shower with so much hot water and no worries about running out and sleeping in a King bed…it was fabulous.

Got up early like two little kids on Christmas Day and headed out around 10am. Since this was way too early to begin our wine tasting we checked out Old Downtown Palisade. Not much going on and it was still too early so we took a drive about 10 miles to Old Downtown Grand Junction and just checked out a few stores and by this time it was almost noon, so we stopped at our first winery.

Meadery of the Rockies, they made and served Honey Wine. We really enjoyed the tastes and our bartender was wonderful. Out of the 5 wineries we visited, this one was by far our favorite. We bought one bottle of Raspberry Honey Wine.

Our next stop was directly across the street at Plum Creek Winery and things were much different there. We did not feel welcomed, the two girls there were too busy talking about their personal life with one another and they did not have many sweeter wines, in fact they only had 3 and none of them were to our liking. We did not purchase any wines here.

Our next stop was right around the corner from our hotel and this winery had two separate ones combined…Talon Winery & St Kathryn Cellars.

St Kathryn Cellars was our first stop and they had more of the wines we like, which are made from juice, not grapes. We had our tastes and bought a bottle of Pomegranate Wine which was a hard choice since several others were our favorites too.

Talon Winery had a few sweet choices, but again were not to our liking so we did not purchase any bottles from them. We did find some great dips and a wine glass pin for our travel map.

Our final stop was the winery associated with our hotel. Grande River Vineyards also did not have many sweet ones, but we did find a good Riesling that we purchased a bottle of.

We headed back to our room and even though we stopped at 5 wineries, we probably only drank about one glass of wine in the 4 and a half hours we were tasting.

Our hotel, Wine Country Inn was a great choice for us. The customer service was outstanding, the room was nice with a great bed, a fantabulous shower and included a scrumptious breakfast.

We definitely have to continue taking these little vacations on our days off because we feel refreshed and it soothes the hitch itch.

Wednesday, June 06, 2018

Our First Month

Hitch itch has a hold on ME, not even been a month and I am ready to roam. We are just grateful that we like it here or else it would be a terrible situation.

We are both comfortable with our positions and enjoy our jobs. Jerry is doing light maintenance, mostly keeping up the hot tubs, and doing some shuttling of rafters. I am working at the front desk, checking in guests to the cabins. Even though our hookups are under the rig, our site is satisfactory, and we enjoy many nights with our outdoor lights and fire.

This week we took a drive up to the Taylor Park Reservoir and it was a gorgeous drive; these photos do not even come close to the beauty we seen. We came across a few mule deer on the roadside, looking forward to seeing bear, big horn sheep, elk and other animals that are indigenous to the area on our future adventures.

We finally got to use our new Selfie Stick and continue to practice with it. We got a few good selfies and hope to continue getting better ones on our travels to come.

Unfortunately, we have not been visiting anywhere for now but have some exciting plans on our next days off. We have plans to visit some wineries in Palisade, Colorado, a Walmart stop and an overnight stay at one of the winery hotels. Fun stuff coming…FINALLY! Hopefully this should take care of some of the hitch itch we have both been feeling.