
Thursday, May 03, 2018

Once Again…

We are not sure why we continue to put ourselves into these less than desirable predicaments, but we do, and it really is getting old. We hear about others doing it all the time without all the hassles that we encounter but for us it seems just one more thing after another goes wrong for us.

Even after working these 11 day shows every other week we are barely making it to our next show with no cushion whatsoever due to the many issues with our vehicles, but we will not give up, we will persevere.

It’s not always easy to hold onto our faith and with each incident it gets harder.

When will it be our time?

When will it turn out for us?

Will it ever get easier?

Each time we get close to our goals, we get knocked backwards so far that it is no longer easy for us to brush ourselves off and get back in the race of life. It’s getting harder to maintain a positive attitude when what we really feel is our lives are hard and just getting too tough for us to keep going.

Now, we are not saying that we do not have anything to be grateful for because we truly do. We are very thankful every moment that we have each other, for our home, for our health, for living this lifestyle, but it’s just not enough anymore. We want it all…

We want the good times to outweigh the bad times.

We want to be happy and positive without faking it all the time.

We want to be able to find work that we love doing and for that work to make us a continuous flow of money, not so sporadic as it has always been.

We want to know what it is like to travel without all the financial fear.

We want to make plans and be able to continue them without the fear of running out of money.

We want to be able to get a new rig or be able to fix Maggie, so we do not fear her falling apart driving down the road.

We want to be able to enjoy the finer things in life and not always have to settle for what we can afford.

Is that too much to ask for? Apparently, it is since we reach for the stars and end up drowning, never reaching our full potentials. For goodness sake, we are 60 years old and deserve to have some fun in our lives without all the fears of lack we always seem to get back to due to our accounts showing such low or zero balances all the time.

What do we keep doing wrong?

We are doing everything we can to keep afloat, but we feel we continue to get sucked down deep into that black hole of despair.

God does not seem to be listening to either one of us currently, so we are asking all of our readers to please say a prayer for us that we get the guidance to head down the right paths in our lives and not give up hope. Hope is all we have left…

We thought we could travel extensively and keep money in our pockets but again this year we were not able to do it. With all the mishaps of Maggie and May and shows being slow or yanked from us we are once again having to settle down. The good news is there is a light at the end of this tunnel. Once we finish this event in Bullhead City we have decided to stop the extensive travels again and settle in Colorado for a few months working at what sounds like a perfect place for us.

We will get this all figured out eventually, after all we have only been living this lifestyle for about 15 years and yet to find the perfect place for us, but we will not give up. We continuously find the work we do not want, so now the challenge is to find the work we love where we are able to travel. We have tried so many different avenues and many that have worked for others, just do not happen for us. 

We would love to find that perfect work…

That can be done from our rig that pays good money, all the ones that have come into our lives have been less than worthy and we know several people that have found decent work this way, so we know it’s possible.

Selling items or our experiences at different types of venues, like RV Shows, Boat Shows, Festivals that pays well. Again, we know several people that do this and pay well, but the ones we have encountered have been less than desirable.

We just need that break in our lives that gives us the right path for us to take so that we can once again begin living this lifestyle to its fullest and stop worrying so much about our finances.

That can’t be too much to ask for…is it?

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear this, Kimberly. I will continue my prayers for you. Have you ever heard or read Dave Ramsey for inspiration? He is our go to person.


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