
Wednesday, December 14, 2016


Time is really flying by, it is already December and 2016 will be over soon and our last post was back in the beginning of September…WOW!

What a ride the BOA was this year…

We had our week off break in the early part of our adventures and when we needed the time off the most during the Super Regionals we were traveling and working so we had no time for writing. The only writing we had been keeping up with has been our reviews.

The great news for this year is we are both still walking, no wheelchair for either one of us, but we were very tired when it all ended the mid part of November. Then without any rest we went into personal travel time to get us back out west to begin our next adventure in Bullhead City where we find ourselves already almost over with it. This time is very different then the last time we were here…the bags were flying off the shelf and this time not so much. The drinking, boating people are not here, only the locals and they are too much into the holidays and not enough into drinking frozen concoctions. But, we will muddle through and see what happens next.

We have decided that we will hold on to Maggie for a little longer but at this time, we are ready to purchase a tow vehicle but just haven’t found the right one for us yet. If anybody has a tow vehicle for sale or knows of one nearby us, please let us know.

The plan is to hang out in Bullhead City until the first of the year, then head to Desert Hot Springs for a few weeks working at Sam's Club, then to Quartzsite for the Big Tent Show, possibly working or maybe just hanging out. Then since this year again, we hope to NOT have to take a few months’ position at any resort who knows what comes next. We have our feelers out and we are open to most possibilities, so we will see what doors open!


  1. Since we missed you when you came to Quartzsite the last time maybe we'll get to meet up when you are here for the Big Tent.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. Sounds like a plan guys...definitely about time!


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