
Wednesday, April 06, 2016

Active Travel Day

Talk about multitasking…we had to travel today to get to our job in Mission Viejo by Friday but were in the desert where the temps were getting high in the upper 90’s for a few days but we also had a meeting with one of the other company’s we work for at 7am so we decided to do it all.

As we pulled out this morning at 6:30am we knew we had to also deal with the wind BUT as we looked ahead there was a strange cloud or something. 

At first we thought it was just moisture in the mountains, then became concerned that it might be a Haboob due to the wind and we were heading right into it. But then we realized it was a fire and it was growing quickly.

It was getting closer to I-40 and we are glad we made such an early start since we are now hearing it is out of control and burning fast due to the dryness and the high winds. Luckily we had a tail wind, something that is often unheard of but we had it so we didn’t feel much pushing around. It followed us for most of our drive.

Made it to Ehrenberg which is 145 miles from Bullhead City and the winds are bringing the smoke this way…seeing the brown cloud all around us is a bit concerning but we are in for the night. Temps are up in the high 90’s and we had laundry to do and tomorrow we will be out of the desert and back into the cool part of California with 40 to 50% chance of showers our entire time there. Yipeeeee!

For more photos, check out our Google + Web Albums.

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