
Friday, February 19, 2016

NASCAR Returns & Unchartered Territory

YEAH…Sunday is the Daytona 500 but there has been cars on the track for the last week which is the beginning of the season and we are ready for it. We want to attend a few races this season but only time will tell, we realize what we want and what life gives to us is not always on the same page so we will just relax, go with the flow and see where life takes us.

We are heading out in just a few days into unchartered territory...

We have a few jobs lined up with PepWear and then the plan is to get with this other company selling items at Sam’s Club across the country, mainly in California for now but then if it works out we plan to travel extensively working with a few different companies that allow us to travel. This has always been our dream but for all these years it just didn’t seem to line up with us but this is a brand new year and we are going for it once again…we just refuse to let go of our perfect dream lifestyle.

Our definition of "perfect" is not necessarily as the word 
is intended but just being perfect for us is what matters.

We are still in the deciding stage of what to do about Maggie and transportation…we are really leaning towards a truck to tow for a short time and then possibly pulling a trailer and letting go of Maggie. We looked into driving the NHRA circuit since it sounds exactly like what we want to do BUT they do not supply the truck like PepWear does so for now we had to pass on that idea. PepWear is back on our agenda beginning in September but for now we need to find work for the next 6 months that would keep us traveling and keep our wallets full, we are determined to find that "perfect" fit for us.

We are excited about these next adventures and cannot wait to see where life takes us…

For more photos, check out our Google + Web Albums.

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