
Sunday, January 17, 2016

Irresponsible Pet Owners

Once again we are the ones who are feeling like the “Bad Guys” because we complained about an excessive barking dog. For the past few weeks the weather has been great so our windows are open and there has been this dog, a big barking dog. When the windows were closed it was not so annoying, but with them open it got to a breaking point once again this week. Jerry went over there and asked them to make it stop and they brushed him off so he went to the office to file an official complaint and the barking stopped.


Then for the past few days the dog owner has been walking past our site glaring at us and then this morning after walking by and glaring a few times, she stopped and asked Jerry if he was the one who complained when he said he was she informed us that her dog only barks when someone passes by and it is not excessive and that if we do not like it we should leave.


She was so rude and complaining that we are the reason that her dog now has to keep his bark collar on. How many of you responsible pet owners have a bark collar for your dog? To us that explained a lot…not many owners would have a bark collar unless there had been previous issues. To also say it only barks when someone walks by, well this park has thousands of people who do a lot of walking and to us again explained a lot.

But now she is making us feel very uncomfortable and she has roped in a few of her neighbors to join in on the passing by glaring little act…

We know that this is all HER issue and not ours but it brings up a lot of our own issues that we need to work on. Sometimes we get tired of all the life lessons in our lives and just wish we could just relax and have fun and not have to work on things at all.


  1. You are very right if they already have a bark collar there have been past issues.
    Somewhere in the park rules generally there is a section pertaining to pets and one is also very specific about excessive barking. Post a small sign stating the park rule about excessive barking than just wave to the idiots as they go by.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  2. a lot of snowbird parks in Arizona have no-pet sections that solves that issue :)

  3. We are not complaining about ALL dog owners...ONLY the irresponsible owners who do not feel that their dogs are doing anything wrong. This park does not have that no-pet section as you referred to but even if they did the noise level of this dog's barks reached higher levels everywhere in the park and were consistent.

  4. Absolutely there have been previous issues if they own a bark collar. I always feel bad for the dog, as the responsibility lies with their people. Did you see my Facebook post about the off-leash dog that approached us while Maggie and I were out walking yesterday? I still shake my head in wonder at the people who believe the rules apply to everyone except them. Loose dogs and owners who do not pick up after their dogs are at the top of my list. Fortunately, that doesn't happen too often around here and, I'm sorry to say, it's typically the "weekenders" and those people of a younger generation than us. It's a whole different world out there than the one I was raised in, in general and in RV circles. Hold your heads up high and enjoy the peace and quiet!

  5. We did see that post about the off-leash dog...NOW that to me is scary since I have been bitten by dogs twice and they scare me...even if "their dogs don't bite"...right you are if they have teeth they can bite...after all they are dogs...even humans bite so why would anybody think they don't, they just haven't yet!

  6. Occasional rv er but live in brick and stick home. Have neighbors who have 4 dogs and bark everytime when let out of the house and especially when I'm out doors. Whats really annoying is when they forget to put 1 of the dogs in when they go to work. Found a solution to keep the dog from barking, bear spray works wonders. Should use it on the owners.


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