
Friday, December 11, 2015

Things Went Wacky

Once we got behind in blogging, it just seemed like a daunting task to get caught up but we have to start somewhere and this moment seems like a good time.

The original plan was to just hang out through the New Year resting and relaxing once we completed the PepWear wild ride but as usual with us, a phone call changed everything. The call came from the Fountain of Youth RV Resort in Niland, California and they asked us how soon we could get there to begin work and we loaded up and we are now there for a few months.

It was a place we had interviewed with and accepted the position but the timing was off for us since we were going to give the PepWear adventure a try and we are sure glad we did but we also hoped that FOY would still need us in December instead of November as first discussed. Things have been going like that for us in 2015 and we have had the best year ever and we are praying that the feeling of being connected continues well into 2016.

We are working in the Café 4 nights a week, so we will have 3 days off to have some fun, soaking in the hot springs, having a few play days in Palm Springs and just enjoying ourselves since we will only be working about 20 hours per week. We usually work many more hours but we thought since we were not taking the time off that it would all sort of work out since we also made a load of cash in the past few months we could now have the best of it all. Keep a little cash flow coming in and also have plenty of time to rest and check out some exciting spots.

Our feelings about the PepWear adventure are mixed, we miss the fun we were having working with them but honestly we missed Maggie and the lifestyle that comes with her. Hotel living and eating out every day is nice for a few months but to do it continuously would not be our choice for a lifestyle, but to do it again next year…absolutely!

We will try to catch you all up on our fun activities for the past weeks including our reviews of all the places we stayed, the great places we were able to visit, the fantastic food we ate and how the heck I landed in a wheelchair for a few weeks, not the best ending to that adventure but we made the best of an unfortunate situation.

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