
Tuesday, September 15, 2015

On the Road Again…

Sorry to keep you all in the dark for so long but things do not always have a way of working out for us and we were just not sure if this was going to be one of those times so we needed to keep Plan B and C alive until we were sure. We did not want to be up that creek without any paddles. We have been keeping notes and writing our stories while we traveled and will begin to share them all with you now.

New and exciting adventures are happening so we are once again on the road traveling and what a difference a day made. We left Bryce Canyon on Saturday, August 29th and our first stop was just over 150 miles to Page, Arizona and the weather was hot. Our summer was definitely cooler than the few weeks of traveling to our new adventure were, so we puddled jumped to get to Cedar Hill, Texas to pick up our new ride that we will be driving for the next several months. 

We have accepted the position with PepWear for at least the next 8 weeks to drive their truck and pull their trailer of merchandise to the several events on the calendar. We had a few days of training at the main office and then we are off traveling and working the events.

They talked about giving us the west route but plans changed and our route goes like this…first we travel from Cedar Hill, Texas to Monroeville, Pennsylvania…then to Bowling Green, Ohio…then to Dayton, Ohio…then to Winston-Salem, North Carolina…then to Newark, Delaware…then to Indianapolis, Indiana…then to Atlanta, Georgia…then back to Indianapolis, Indiana for the Grand National Finale before we have to head back to Cedar Hill, Texas to drop off the trailer.

After that we are open to new and exciting possibilities. One of the things we are attempting to do is to get onboard with more jobs along the way with this company so we can then work more with Scootaround too and live the lifestyle we love so much which includes extensive traveling. This current adventure will have Maggie in storage for a few months while we stay in hotels along our travels. For us it is a perfect fit and we are looking forward to adding more work like this to our schedules.

In the meantime in the next few months we will travel to each location and setup the trailer and then work the trailer for the one day events on Saturdays, then some paperwork to complete the event and the rest of the time we will be traveling but with enough time in between to do some sight-seeing in these areas. We are so stoked about the possibilities and are quite sure it will fit into the lifestyle we have been wanting to live for so long.

We are also in the stage, or should we say Maggie is in the stage where she either needs extensive body work or we have to take the next step of letting her go so we can get something that will fit our needs. There are a few choices but it will all depend on how our work fits into our lives. Quite possibly if we do more of what we are now doing now we could get by with just a Class B or something smaller with better gas mileage. We are at the wait and see stages and only time will tell.

In the meantime we will be reviewing hotels instead of campgrounds, definitely reviewing many more restaurants on our travels and now being referred to as full time travelers, not full time RVers.

For more photos, check out our Google + Web Albums.


  1. So happy for you. Sounds like a perfect fit, at least for now.

  2. That sounds like great job for you guys. Have fun and enjoy that part of the country. God do with you.

  3. Sounds like a lot of excitement in the next phase of your adventures. Who knows where this will take you next. Be safe!

  4. Sounds like a lot of excitement in the next phase of your adventures. Who knows where this will take you next. Be safe!

  5. Congratulations! Sounds like an awesome adventure. Safe travels.


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