
Sunday, August 02, 2015

Everyone Said it Was a Great Road...Even in Our RV...WRONG!

We can now say we have done the Scenic Byway 12 in its entirety and if you are ever in the area this is an absolutely wonderfully scenic route that should not be missed but we would not advise driving it in your RV as we did. We only seen about 3 other RV’s on this road, 2 were short rentals and the last one we seen was getting on while we were getting off and was a big one towing…we wished them luck!

The terrain changes several times while on this Byway and each change brings an entirely different view that would have made for some interesting photos but unfortunately the sun was not our friend and most of the photos had terrible glare but luckily we were able to salvage a few of them.

From our location at Bryce Canyon heading east the byway starts off looking innocent and then the huge decent into Tropic that was spectacular and not at all scary. 

Then there are some climbs and descends along the byway that would most likely be difficult in a car but in a RV they were horrifying, so many 8% grades and several 10% grades too.

There is an area that they call the Hogsback which is like being on a bridge with no guard rails but it is just a narrow piece of land way up in the sky at about 10,000 feet that they built to take you across this area. The views were awesome but it was hard taking photos while I was trying to sit in Jerry’s lap instead of looking at the little room for any errors there were to make since the roads were narrow, no guard rails, and a long steep downward descent if we happen to lose it while on this road.

None of our photos does this area any justice at all, the views are absolutely spectacular.

Our original plan was to take the Byway to Richfield for our Walmart stop and then drive it back but after driving it one way we both agreed that we would not be taking it again anytime soon with Maggie.

We took lots and lots of photos, check out our Google + Web Albums.


  1. While driving up to the Hogsback section a few years ago, we actually met 3 huge fifth wheels coming down. Rather them than me! Have fun!

  2. I would have to agree - no RV on that route. I usually don't have any trouble with mountain roads but 10,000 feet and no guardrail would put me at least in the middle of the truck.

  3. We drove part of that road going from the north to about the mid way point going south in our car. After that drive, there is no way we would have taken our motor home through that route to Bryce.

  4. We've been on that road and it was harrowing enough in my Ford Escape. Beautiful scenery, but too steep for RVs in our opinion. We wouldn't dream of taking any type of RV over that highway. Glad you made it through okay!


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