
Saturday, May 16, 2015

Chill Out and Freeze Out

Last weekend was time for a big Walmart stop and that is exactly what we did.  We drove about 100 miles north to Richfield on UT-89 and it was a gorgeous drive.  No mountain climbs or descends just mountains all around us and a few we drove through.  Loved this drive, check out all of our photos of this drive and more at our Photo Web Albums.

Due to the weather forecast of freezing rain for Saturday morning here on the mountain we chose to take off after work on Friday afternoon.  We were on the road by 3:30pm and settled in at the Richfield KOA by 6pm, just in time to watch the NASCAR Trucks in Kansas.

We did our huge shop at Walmart on Saturday and returned to the Richfield KOA in time to watch the NASCAR Sprint race but due to the weather in Kansas there was a long delay so we stayed awake until after 11pm to finish watching it.

Work is still fun even though we have an idiot working with us, but only one and he is not management which makes it easier to handle.  We never understand why there always seems to be one person who just refuses to follow the rules and gets away with it.  He is not family and there is a lot of family members working and they work hard, him…not so much!

The plan is to hang out this weekend and just chill out, or should I say freeze out.  Yep, another snow storm hit the area and we once again not only got a few inches of that white stuff but the temperatures dropped to below freezing for the next 5 or more nights, and highs only in the 50’s.  Hopefully summer will arrive soon since this weather is getting old fast, way too cold for us!

1 comment:

  1. We're still getting some near freezing nights back here in Tecumseh, Ontario but the building is helping to keep us warm.
    The Weather Guessers keep saying summer will be here soon.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.


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