
Sunday, April 19, 2015

Our First Week at Ruby’s General Store

It was definitely eventful…

We had frigid temperatures and even had a few inches of snow, not our favorite weather but we survived without too many tears or sleepless nights. We will take this weather over any of the storms, tornadoes and windy stuff they are having all over the country lately.

The evening the snow was falling hard, we had a great show right out our front windshield. Check out all the deer who came up so close to us as if they were welcoming us into their neighborhood. They were frolicking and just having a great time and we loved watching them.

We are about a hundred miles away from a Walmart shopping trip which we plan to take once we get our first full paycheck in a few weeks. Otherwise until then we will just be hanging around the camping area since our funds are low and meeting the other workers that are arriving daily. We did take a short trip into Panguitch for a few needed items and more photos of this spectacular area.

They hire over 600 employees per spring/summer season and are a mix of locals and travelers like us and one very important decision we made is to plan to stay out of the politics and all the drama people that try to get us to whine and complain about how rough things are because in all honesty this company treats us very well. After only a week we can see the respect we get and the enthusiasm they have for us being here to work with them.

We are staying in a great area away from the hustle and bustle of the guests where the other sites are occupied by other workers and our particular site faces the woods where we get to have daily showings of the different animals around the area. We have seen deer and antelope so far but the elk will be showing themselves in just a few weeks according to the locals, and we are excited for that viewing.

As of now we are working days, Monday through Friday with Saturday and Sundays off. We are hoping we stay on the day shift but our days off end up being during the week since we plan to take off on those two days and explore the area and would prefer the weekday rates and busyness. 

We have both adapted to the registers and Jerry is really shinning in his new role, he is a natural and I love watching him with the customers and his confidence level with the register is wonderful to see.  This is really going to be a fantastic summer!

We have already taken hundreds of photos so check them out at our Google + Web Albums.


  1. Looks like a great place... well, except for the snow. I love seeing your deer. And... you sure have the right attitude about working with others.

  2. You are working in a gorgeous area! I interviewed someone a few years back who worked for Ruby's Inn. She also found it best to stay out of the politics. She did her job well without complaint and was treated more than nice. Have a fun summer! So much to explore.

  3. Looks like the deer are enjoying the snow:)


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