
Friday, December 26, 2014

Jerry’s Birthday Celebration & Christmas

This is the first time in over 8 years that we were not on a Christmas tree lot on his birthday so we were able to celebrate.  He feels bad since I had the worst birthday ever being on the pumpkin lot this past October 29th but he deserves to have a grand birthday anyway.

He worked some long hours his first weekend cooking in the Café and I hardly put in any hours, but I am diligently creating my personal works online and eventually they will pay off.  Since next week is the busiest time of all and we will both be working 10 days straight, we had thought we would just hang out here on our 4 days off, it being the Christmas holidays and all.  But when we discussed it further we decided to take a short trip for a few days to celebrate his birthday properly.

We took a very scenic drive over the mountains and through the woods…no just kidding just over the mountains and through the canyons but not to grandmother’s house instead to Barona Resort & Casino where the “Orb” luck continued.

Our entire stay was paid for with a jackpot we hit…

We enjoyed crab, prime rib, lobster and so many other scrumptious goodies eating their very expensive buffet, but for us…free!

We stayed in a very comfortable King-size room on the 8th floor with a wonderful view, again…free.

We played for a few hours in the casino…once again…yes you got it…free!

Now that was the way to celebrate a fantastic birthday!

The drive was spectacular, the scenery was exquisite, the roads a bit gnarly at times and we will not be heading back in this direction any time soon.  The warning signs were posted but since we are only 28’ we felt it would be alright and it was but once was enough.  When it takes 2 hours to drive a little over 60 miles you know the roads are a bit overwhelming, especially when they allow semis carrying full loads of hay.  If we would have met them on one of those curves the outcome would have been…well let’s just say we do not want to go there.

Funny how during the most treacherous parts of the drive, we have no photos…must be that we are both too busy driving and praying to take any photos.  For more photos, please do visit our Web Albums.

We returned on Christmas Eve just in time before the wicked wind came across the desert and of course it had to hit in the wee hours of the morning.  At midnight it began rocking us around but I was able to fall back asleep with the gentle rocking and thought this may not be too bad, but at 2:30am all hell broke loose.  I got in my “safe place” the driver’s seat and watched as the wind picked up the sand and one after another became sand storms whirling by, there were times visibility was nonexistent and it lasted for hours.  The wind whipped so hard at times we thought for sure something on Maggie was going to fly off but again she proved to us just how tough she is.  Finally around daybreak I was able to get back into bed to sleep a few hours.  Not a night I want to repeat any time soon.

The dust inside the house was an inch thick everywhere, so that is how we spent our Christmas day, vacuuming and dusting the entire rig.  We did take some time to reflect on the true spirit of Christmas and how happy we are to be out of that rat race of buying gifts and all the hoopla of it all.  We would much rather just be with one another and share our thoughts, hopes and dreams and are always happy when it is all over and the new year brings new exciting adventures.

For more photos, check out our Google + Web Albums.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about the wind and dust, but way to go on the casino wins.


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