
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

September & October Wine Tastings

We continue to learn things about wine tasting by researching and now know that even though a bottle does not include a vintage date it does make a big difference.  As explained to us at one of our wine tasting outings that weather has a lot to do with the taste.  If there was an early or late frost, or too much or too little water can change the taste of any wine annually.  So even though we tasted a varietal by a certain producer and liked or disliked it does not necessary mean that the next time we taste the same item that it will not taste much differently.  We have recognized this several times in the past few years and finally understand it.  This even applies to the box wine that we purchase in between bottles, we have tasted a huge difference with the same kind over and over again especially when traveling across the country.  So we may have a review one time that if so different the next time and this is the reason behind it.

We have not been doing much wine tastings in the past few months since we had been working so much but we hope to once again add our wine tastings to our blog on a more regular basis.  We are more into the sweeter types like Sangria, Moscato and other sweets but have also enjoyed a good Riesling every now and then.

Please let us know if you have any favorites that you feel we would enjoy tasting, but do remember that we try to keep our budget of under $5 per bottle for the most part but definitely under $10 for sure.

Sutter Home Pink Moscato - A Napa Valley regional wine that has a 10% alcohol content that we rated a 6.8.  Even though the aromas were caramel, melon, passion fruit, peach and vanilla it still had a bite to it and was not smooth nor sweet.  We thought we had tasted it before and thought it was good but even though many wines do not include a vintage date it makes a big difference in the tastings and would consider purchasing it again for this reason.

Carolina Vineyards White Ocean Breeze – We bought this in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, from one of our tastings, this white grape wine has 11% alcohol that we rated 8.5.   With a very slight floral fragrant it is snappy, cleansing, light, refreshing flavor, just like an ocean breeze that would go great with any meal or just to enjoy its flavor.    We would definitely recommend this one to others and will purchase again.

Stone Cliff Winery American Moscato - Just had to try one of the local wineries located in Dubuque, Iowa as we were passing through the area.  We gave it a high rating of 9.3 because it was sweet, fresh and tasted like a honeydew melon on a hot summery day.  With a light floral aroma it would be on our list to purchase again and we would recommend it to others that costs under $10 per bottle.

For more photos, check out our Google + Web Albums.

1 comment:

  1. Love wine tasting:) We now belong to a wine club and they ship us a varied selection once every three months. It is almost better than Christmas:)


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