
Saturday, June 21, 2014

Gainfully Employed Once Again

Well we hung in there and things turned around…as they usually do if we just hold on tight and enjoy the ride while it is running amuck.

We have learned that to get what you want we have to speak up, not aggressively but assertively and once the shock wore off of being told we were not qualified we not only sent emails out to several different opportunities we also sent an email and phone call to the place that said we were not qualified.  We even sent one to Bayley’s to let the owner/general manager know exactly how it all went down but we have not heard back from them which in all honesty we did not feel that they would get back to us since they are aware of the Restaurant manager’s attitude and for the most part just brushed it off.  We will be sharing our review of the entire situation in a separate blog.

But back to the good news…

When we applied at Saco KOA we spoke with the managers who have managed it for about 4 years but for the original owner who sold it and Sun Communities took it over this past April.  Living in this lifestyle for over 10 years we have never had to jump through so many hoops to work a few months at any place but we were willing to do all of this because we hit it off so well with the managers and we could see that we could help one another and we wanted to stay in the area.

A few days after we left there we received a call from the managers and was told that the corporate office was now changing things and they would now consider us once again.  At this time we had already committed ourselves to jumping back on with Scootaround for the Indiana and Kansas Fairs so we informed them we would love to come now but only until the end of July and they agreed.  After a few more days of paperwork being passed back and forth we were hired, well we still need to take the drug test on Monday but unless they test for Advil and wine we are in the clear.

We got settled in on Friday and were greeted with hugs and good vibes from all.  We start working today, I will be in the Office/Registration/Reservations on evenings and Jerry will work dinner at the Merry Moose, then he will be security until around midnight.  We decided that even though I will not get paid that I would join him once I shut down the office at around 10pm and hang out with him driving around doing security.  We have always loved doing the night security together as we have at many of the NASCAR events, this will be a bit tamer so we will really enjoy it more.

We will be working 6 days so as far as visiting the area there will not be much of it, but we will be able to put away enough in our gas fund to begin our journey back west.  We will be stopping in Indiana to work the fair, then another stop in Kansas to work that fair and then back to work pumpkins in Southern California.  It feels as if life is back on track once again, we just pray Maggie makes this journey west without any major issues.  Keep your prayers coming!


  1. Glad to hear things are turning around again for you guys. Hopefully you'll have more level ground for a while instead of so many peaks and valleys. :)

  2. Thank goodness! And, congratulations.

  3. It most certainly has been an exciting roller coaster ride and we are so ready to get back on the smooth road and off those peaks and valleys!

    Teri & Jeri...we have yet to receive a reply from our emails...did you get our replies?


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