
Monday, June 16, 2014

Driveway Mooching

We hardly ever driveway mooch but we were in distress mode due to the circumstances and we really wanted to meet with Al and Linda before leaving the area so we headed over there for a few days.

They are full timers, even though they have property in Maine, the house is used by their daughter and grandchildren and they stay in their 5th wheel in the driveway and head out when winter arrives.  They have been following our blog for over 8 years while they were still in the planning stage and then began full timing 5 years ago.  They do not blog but we became Facebook Friends and keep in touch through that social network.  We have been crossing paths many times throughout the years but just were never able to meet up with one another.  They were in Quartzsite one year and came to where we were working but the lines were so long they didn’t want to bother us.  This happens so often in this lifestyle but it’s always nice when the meeting finally takes place since from following one another it’s as if we already know one another anyway and that is exactly how this meeting took place.

In this lifestyle we have only met one couple that we could not relate with, others we like and then there are those who we have such a connection with that it ends up being a lifetime friendship and the latter is exactly how it was with them.  Our conversations were entertaining and never stopped and then they shared the area with us.  They were the perfect hosts and perfect guide tours.

Our first stop was Fort Williams Park…

The ocean views were spectacular…

The Lighthouse views were breathtaking…

We then took a ride to downtown Portland where we had a small window to visit since apparently they were filming some sort of Zombie movie and were closing many of the streets but were open for an hour and a half for lunch and we took advantage and checked it all out.  Jerry and I were surprised and Portland was nothing like we pictured, we thought it would be much smaller and more quant then it is.

Loved the buildings and some of the houses in the area…

Of course we are never disappointed with the ocean views…

Our next stop was what is known as Hacker Hill, a local attraction where a tree was struck by lightening and created this cross.

We were amazed at the wonderful breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains, there were even a few with snow still on them…imagine that in June!

Our tour guides then took us through Naples which is a small quant town that had so much character and so many things to do.

Take a ride on the Songo River Queen II, or maybe a plane ride…

Or just hang out and enjoy the lake views…

Whatever you do, this is definitely a place to spend more time and visit.

Our last stop was visiting one of the locks in the Naples area and we got lucky and there was a boat that was going through it.

The day was fabulous, spending time with new friends, talking and enjoying a campfire through the night.  What more could we ask for?  Exactly what we needed at a very stressful time in our lives.  We are so grateful for finally meeting up with them and we know that we will continue this friendship for a long time while passing one another along the way in our travels!

For more photos, check out our Google + Web Albums.

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