
Monday, January 20, 2014

Quartzsite Update

Shopping…shopping…and then more shopping!  No major purchases just things that we can’t find anywhere else…like Emu Oil.

Yes, you read that correctly…Emu Oil.  It really sucks to get old and for the past week or so my knee is making me feel so very old.  It hurts like no other pain I have felt before.  I didn’t do anything to it but I even had to buy a cane so I could walk which it is still hard for me to walk.  I have tried it all, cold compresses, hot compresses, drugs (Advil…about the strongest I can take without feeling like I am in another world), Icy Hot, Aspercreme, Heating Pad, walking with a cane.  But nothing seems to help, so while out shopping yesterday we came across Emu Oil which it claims it benefits many conditions including Rheumatoid Arthritis, Sore Muscles, and Arthritis, Muscle and Joint Pain and so much more.  The list has about 50 conditions that benefits from its use.

It is very expensive so I had to think really hard about purchasing it but after some careful thought I bought a small bottle of it and immediately rubbed some into the affected area of my knee.  The afternoon and evening went well and it felt great so I thought I was cured but then mid-morning the pain came back strong as ever but I will continue rubbing it into the area and hope it takes the pain away.

Work started for us on Friday, the 17th and we will be working through the 26th.  This year we decided to go back to work for a vendor instead of the show and we are very happy once again.  We are working at Big Lou’s BBQ and the guys could not be better to work with, they are a father and son team and are just the nicest people we have met in our travels.  We work 8 hour shifts and it is not hard work, no grease buildup since they serve Tri-Tip and Pulled Pork sandwiches that has been smoked for hours then sliced and served.  They do offer French Fries but that is done outside and I work the window from the inside of the trailer…so much nicer not being in the elements of the outdoors.

For more photos, check out our Google + Web Albums.


  1. I've seen emu oil advertised and I wondered about it. Thanks for your review of it. Enjoy the rest of your stay at Quartzsite.

  2. Emu Oil and pulled pork in the "Q"... sounds like I am just not living right YET! I love pulled pork, and I will be at Big Lou's for sure this time next year.

  3. Emu Oil? I have never heard of it before. How did it work out? Did it make the pain go away?

    I have also have a blog, it is more about reviews of waterproof tents.

  4. Haven't heard much about Emu Oil. We walked around the Big Tent but didn't see you. We'll look a little harder on our next trip in.

    1. We are at Tyson Wells area in the food court and serve the best sandwiches. Come see us!

  5. Hey I tried to get back to you guys. We are working the big tent driving a golf cart picking up trash. We will try to get down to see you. How long will you be there?? We work everyday no days off.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. We will be working through the 26th everyday but plan to stay a few days afterwards. When are you planning to leave Q?


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