
Friday, November 22, 2013

It’s All Good until Somebody Gets Hurt

Isn’t that how life is?   

Rules and laws are made because somebody got hurt doing exactly that one thing you shouldn’t be doing.

Relationships are all good until one person does something to hurt the other and then all gloves are off.

Common sense goes right out the window and people are just stupid at times and that is why many people get hurt and then come back and want to blame and /or sue the person that was there but in all actuality had nothing to do with their stupidity. 

It feels at times that people are so far from using any common sense and for many it seems they feel that the rules are not meant for them.

Dogs off leashes because of course their masters are stupid and always claim their dog does not bite.  Okay, even if they don’t bite, what about them urinating all over our stuff.  You may like the smell of urination but we do not and we should not have to smell it because YOU will not obey the rules.

By the way…it does rain in Southern California…no matter what that song says!  It started spitting around midnight and throughout the night and into the morning it has been drizzling and pouring periodically for the past few days.  The ground is wet and even has puddles, so for you non-believers, you can believe it does rain here!

Our vacation is almost over as we head back to work the trees, but in the meantime we have just been enjoying our down time.  We haven’t done anything particularly exciting but we have been taking bike rides, eating out, shopping online and at the nearby mall and just relaxing.  We know that the lot will be busy and that 2014 is going to be an extensive traveling year so we are soaking in all the relaxation that we can for now before the whirlwind begins.

We have several job offers and we are not sure which direction we are going to take since they all offer some sort of different aspect that is exciting.  This is the time we need to just take a deep breath and allow the Universe to guide us…so hard for control freaks like us to do but we are learning.

We also have to learn to let go of the fear.  Because of the several tornadoes we were involved in, and the floods and hurricane a few years back we still fear the weather heading eastbound.  We have not had to deal with any sort of bad weather in these past few years and just the thought of heading back east again scares the heebie jeebies right out of us.  We have come to understand that that fear has made us stagnant in living our dream lifestyle and we need to buck up and begin living again.  It won’t be easy and there will be many sleepless nights but if we are to continue on this journey of ours then we need to move forward and not stay so stuck in the past and start enjoying ourselves and become adventurous once again.


  1. Chuck M:

    Seems it never rains in southern California
    Seems I've often heard that kind of talk before
    It never rains in California
    But girl don't they warn ya
    It pours, man it pours!

  2. Seems it never rains in southern California
    Seems I've often heard that kind of talk before
    It never rains in California
    But girl don't they warn ya
    It pours, man it pours!


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