
Thursday, August 29, 2013

Travel Days & More Change of Plans

We put on over 1,000 miles since our last posting and it most certainly caught up with us especially because we dry camped for several of those days and something went wrong with our generator which made for no coffee in the morning.

NOT a good start, but thank goodness we only had a few feet to travel to hook up.  When we pulled into Coos Bay, Oregon ready to hookup for a few days at The Mill Casino RV Park we were unaware of the several clubs that were checking in on Monday of all days and they were booked.  Our only choice was to get on a waiting list and in the meantime dry camp in their parking area which we did before heading to the Casino for lunch and some play time.

Within a few hours we received a message that they could accommodate us on Tuesday for one night which we immediately confirmed that we would take it.  We dry camped for the night and the next morning when we hooked up our generator for coffee, it just would not continue to run.  So at 9:30am we walked over to the office hoping to get in early, and lo and behold our site was empty and they had fresh free coffee… we hit the jackpot!

Making reservations has never been the way we like to travel, we feel if we were meant to be there then somehow it would happen, if not then we make other arrangements.  In the 10 years we have been full time traveling this is only the second time this happened so we figure our odds are good.  

Well our odds went way down even more the next few days.

It seemed everywhere we showed up they were full, so I began calling ahead to where we thought we were going to stay and explore and unbelievably they were all booked.  Now what?  Of course, change our plans again and again and finally again! 

This was not even the holiday weekend yet and we were having some major issues getting into parks.  We are not willing to change our ways about making reservations so we began calling other areas to see which places we would not need reservations.

We could not get our generator to work so we were having a hard time dry camping so we went with Plan B or by this time it may be C or D or even Z by now.  Anyway with the holiday upon us and needing to be in Chula Vista by the 16th we decided to head south once again but since we had already turned inland it was hot, so very hot and getting hotter so we once again changed our plans and headed towards the coast but still plan to head south but taking a different route and stopping at different places along the way.

We were in Grants Pass, Oregon when we needed some cooler temps so instead of continuing south on I-5 into more heat we opted to take US Route 199 south to Crescent City, California out of the heat and back on the coast.

We continued on once we hit the coast since it was drizzling and no hope of us taking our bikes for a ride around.  We stopped at Cher-AeHeights Casino in Trinidad, California and the views were spectacular.  They allowed dry camping but of course we were only going to do so in an emergency since we still have not fixed our generator, so we stayed for a few hours playing and hitting jackpots.

We left and headed south to Arcata, California where we hooked up at Mad River Rapids RV Park for the night.  Check out our separate review for this park.

It was late by the time we arrived so since the Fiesta Grill & Cantina was located within feet of the park we decided to have some Mexican food and to say it was good is such an understatement.  Read our entire separate review on our dining experience.

For more photos, check out our Picasa Web Albums.

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