
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Pacific Coastal North Route - Day 1

We completed the Orange County Fair on Sunday and now are on vacation until the end of September when we head back to Southern California to work the pumpkins.

We had an interview with Good Sam for a Directory Sales & Marketing Representative Team position this morning and we feel it went well.  They will not be making their decision immediately since this is just the beginning of their process and they have hundreds of candidates for each open position which doesn’t happen very often so we will wait and see what happens.  As always we know we gave it our all and now we just see if it’s supposed to be part of our future or not.

Our first bike ride on our new toys was the best ever, we went over 10 miles and didn’t even break a sweat.  

It was a great relief on our bodies and it’s nice that we can enjoy the scenery and the ride now instead of dreading the adventure.  We will be adding a separate review blog on the Go Bikes for anyone that might be interested.  So far we are in love with them but will keep you all posted.


We stayed at the only RV Resort in Ventura that we could find and will add another blog with our review on it.  As usual in California…way overly priced!

It seems many of the homeless people congregate in this area and for us it took away from the total enjoyment of the area since at every turn they were screaming at themselves or asking us for a handout.  We sympathize with them but at the same time we have that attitude that since we have always lived our lives one paycheck away from being homeless that if we can continue to pull ourselves out of it why can’t they?  Just one of those issues we continue to struggle with and then find annoying when others ask us to help them out when we worked hard for our paycheck…just saying!

We will be posting our trip up the coast as often as possible…trying to do a daily post with photos but we all know how that always turns out.

We will be adding more photos as we travel, we have already added the first part of our travels so check out our Picasa Web Albums.

1 comment:

  1. I can't comment from Feedy so I've had to book mark your site. Funny, I was just wondering if I can get out to the coast from Atlanta in January. From what I've seen, so far, is that I might be able to go out I10 and up the coast to Oregon. I've traveled it from the San Francisco area north, but would like to do the whole route. I'm wondering if I'll hit snow anywhere--looks to me like I'll miss it if I drive straight to San Diego and up. I'm anxious to read about your drive up the coast. Hope you have a wonderful time!


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