
Saturday, March 08, 2014

Go Bikes USA
7919 Silverton Avenue, #403
San Diego, CA  92126
Purchased August 2013

This will be an ongoing review as time passes and we can let you all know how it continues to work out for us.

Update March 2014 - We have been using them a lot and really love them still.  We had an issue with one of the baskets and the company replaced it.  For a few months now every once in awhile when we plugged in both chargers it blew our power on our motorhome and after researching we finally figured it out that one of the chargers was the issue not our motorhome or power source.  We have contacted the company and are waiting on a response, but in the meantime we are using the one good charger to charge up both bikes which is inconvenient but we are making it work for now.

August 2013 - Initially we feel this is a heaven sent, new and wonderful product that we positively enjoy.  The speed of them were the first thing to get a good grip on since they go fast and keeping it under control has its challenges on the first usage but soon became easier to manage.  Still having a slight issue with where the right hand location is comparative to the throttle.  At times I twisted the throttle while trying to brake and things could have quickly got a bit scary but have continued to work on it.  It is as I remember somewhat like riding a motorcycle but it has been years since I did that so it was a bit foreign to me, but for Jerry he had no issues with that part of the throttle and braking system.

The battery seems to keep a charge and recharges quickly too!

The seats are comfortable and are adjustable.

The framework is tough, sturdy and feels strong.

Going for a long ride without breaking out in a sweat and not being sore at the end…what a great concept it was today.

For more photos, check out our Picasa Web Albums.

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