
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Never Know Where to Begin…

After being such a slacker on writing our blog, it is always so hard to get caught up.  I usually have hundreds of articles that I wrote while living our life but for some reason, just never posted them which is the case once again.  There are several articles written about our time at the Pumpkin Station, the time in between, the Tree lot, the time after, yet another remodel, summarizing 2012, our drive to the desert and our work beginning in Quartzsite but we have to start somewhere…

We received a call several months ago asking us if we would be interested in working in Quartzsite for the big tent, when we accepted we decided to reserve a full hookup spot right across the street at Rice Ranch.  We arrived in Quartzsite, Arizona on January 2nd and Jerry assisted on a few projects with the big tent and is now doing security.  I am working the south gate passing out brochures and keeping the public out before 9am. 

We are working separate shifts for the first time in 9 years of living this lifestyle and we do not like it at all but it’s a job and it is only for a few weeks…we can do anything for a few weeks.  We will both be working for the duration of both shows and after that, it is all still up in the air…


  1. I sure know what you mean about writing blogs. I am just having a hard time getting to it:(

  2. I too struggle with writing my blog right now...I write them in my mind at night or driving down the road but when it comes to actually writing at the computer it doesn't happen.

    I know what you mean about not working the same schedule...that was us quite a bit with the carnival and we kept saying, we can do this for six months and then move on.

    Glad to hear from you. Have a blessed day.

  3. I was having trouble also bloggin and just made up my mind to get back into it... I miss it when I don't. Sounds like you guys are too busy to get in trouble ~ try to have some fun!

  4. Don't worry, just prepare yourself mentally so that when you're finished work in a few weeks you take an afternoon to write down something. It's often about putting the time on your schedule in advance and just prepare mentally for that day... Good luck!

  5. All is forgiven, just glad to know you're still having a great time.

    We missed Q this year (and you) but maybe next year.

  6. Tough to do it when there are so many things going on I am sure. I just found your site after a google search and hope that you get back to it when you find the time and the interest!

  7. how did the Big Tent go? we were not sad to miss Q this winter when we read about the weather, but we DID miss all our friends!!

  8. It really sounds as though you have enough material for a book of your own. Is all your writing electronic?

    I just published my book. "Follow Levonne and John as they travel with The Jazz, their twenty-nine foot fifth-wheel trailer during the 2008-2009 Great Recession. They chase their dream to find meaningful work in a Central Coast California community that they will love. Many twists and turns are encountered included a dead body found near their camp site, problems finding work as the cash reserve depletes and threats of flooding. "This Restless Life" includes the author's select blog posts, photographs and collage images."

  9. Hello, my husband and I are 26 and have begin our full time adventure just about a year ago. I have heard of the Tree lot jobs but have no idea how you guys find them! Any tips would be greatly appreciated!


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