
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Silver Strand State Beach on Coronado Island… WOW!

5000 Highway 75  
Coronado, California
(619) 435-5184

The bridge crossing over to the island was very intimidating, so much so that I almost forgot to breathe.  Jerry drove it fine, but me I would have preferred to be driving instead of hanging off the edge of the passenger side of the RV.  Once we overcame the excitement of the bridge, the rest of the drive was spectacular.

The idea was for a relaxing day/evening at the beach and that is exactly what we got.  We made the drive to the Silver Strand State Beach where we hoped to get a beachfront site for the night.  We checked the reservations for the past few days, not knowing for sure this is where we would end up and they had plenty of room, then when we tried to reserve it knowing we were heading this way it was within 24 hours and they no longer took online reservations so we chanced it.  We knew they had plenty of availability in the inland sites, but we had our hearts set on a beachfront.

We arrived around 10:30 am and were informed that they had 2 beachfront sites available but they could not be reserved at this time.  Our only choice was to check in at 2pm and hope for the best.  When they say 2pm, they are not kidding, no checking in or getting into line until 2pm, not a moment sooner.  We hung out in the $10 all-day pass area and enjoyed ourselves for a few hours, walking the beach and just relaxing.

We were first in line at exactly 2pm and we got one of the $50 beachfront sites.  For $35 we could have had an inland site, but we are glad we were able to get the beachfront one.  None of the sites had hookups and they were very strict on generator usage so yes it was pricey, but after all we were right on the beach, the ocean was our backyard for the entire evening.  Hearing the sounds of the waves all night long was exactly what we needed, it was meditating and so peaceful.


For more photos, check out our Picasa Web Albums.


  1. One of the most beautiful pristine beaches in California!

  2. We stayed there. Loved it!!


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