
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Driveway Mooching in Valley Center, California

Even when we are traveling we write, but we do not always take the time to post so we are catching up and posting our articles while we are at our destination near San Diego.  

We are working for RSI Concessions, a food vendor for the San Diego County Fair and our boss invited us to stay in their driveway until we can move over to the fair.  This is no normal driveway mooch, we have 50 amp power, water and even sewer and we had two choice locations…where we are located or next to the workshop, either was fine with us.  We may be spoiled for any future driveway mooching since this is our first time ever doing it and we love it.

They even spoiled us more and served us barbeque steak, grilled vegetables and a salad our first night here, and then served us warm apple pie with ice cream…we may never leave!

We need the relaxation because next week when we head over to the fair location and begin setup and then the work begins on June 8th when the fair opens.  There will be some really long 12 or more hour days involved, so we are taking all the rest we can get for now.

The food trailer is called the Bacon A-Fair.  No healthy food available, everything is wrapped in bacon, or coated and fried.  They even have Chocolate Covered Bacon, a huge hit last year!  We are so looking forward to working this fair and having some fun.  They are wonderful people to work for and we are going to be busy!

For more photos, check out our Picasa Web Albums.


  1. Nice, he would have probably had to call the cops to get me out of his driveway:)

  2. We are still here and are not due to go to the fair until next week...anything can happen...LOL!

  3. How do we meet him? I want to stay in his driveway!


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