
Saturday, February 04, 2012

Where Are We Now?

Working at the Quartzsite RV Show we had a choice of jobs, one was giving out samplers…simple but boring, we chose to pass that one along to friends! The other was to serve food at the K Bar D BBQ trailer and work HARD. Of course this is the one we chose? We are working on making the right choices but we are not sure if we made the right choice this time or not. The couple we worked for were great, well she was perfect, him…well let’s just say he was a bit intense most of the time, but all in all it was a great 9 days. Many years ago, we allowed other people’s attitudes to change ours, but now we are confident in ourselves that we do not sink down to that negative level. It’s challenging but we have learned that we can still be happy and have fun, cause if we are not having fun, we need to move onward.

We met so many of our blog friends while we were working, several passed through with just a wave to let us know they read our blog, others stopped by so we could meet them. A few we were able to visit with for a little bit, others we were only able to give a quick hug and hello since we were so busy working the entire time we were there.

Once the job was complete, at first we thought we would hang out for the next show and possibly find more work…NOT! We hightailed it right out of Quartzsite first thing Monday morning and headed for Vegas, not on the Strip this time, we stayed a few days at Sam’s Town and took a shuttle into the Downtown Experience. We had not been there for so many years and it was pretty cool and we had a blast.

We also got a deal to stay a few days at Arizona Charlie’s RV Park at a great rate so we took advantage of it.

As of right now our plan is to just hang out and meander around Nevada, California and Arizona using our Coast to Coast membership parks along the way. One plan we have is to head for Yuma in March for the Gypsy Journal Rally and finally meet more of our blogger friends for the first time.

As of this moment we do not have any set work for the summer, but we are looking forward to staying out west where the weather is not always the topic of the day. We have had a few offers but we are really waiting for that one that fits perfectly, we know it is out there so all we have to do is wait for it. The hardest part of following our hearts is to let go of the ones that are not exactly what we want, learn not to settle for anything less, knowing the perfect one awaits but we have to be open to accept it.

We took more photos of our Downtown Experience, feel free to check them out at our Picasa Web Albums.


  1. Unfortunately many small traveling businesses like the one you worked at only look at the bottom line and fail to think of the human factor. Another strange thing is that if there is a partner involved one is always laidback while the other is always on edge. Might have been a good job but that will make you think twice about working for them in the future.

    It's about time.

  2. Sure wish we could have spent some time together. But it will happen somewhere on the road. Kind of nice to have a little bit of free time before you find that one job for the summer.

  3. Vegas is a great place to forget about work:)

  4. It sounds like you have the right attitude and adjusted well to your situation at Quartsite.

    We will be at the Gypsy Journal Rally too. Let's get together.

  5. If you do decide to go to the rally would you let me know. Our friends Mike & Elaine Loscher work with Nick & Miss Terry and I would like to send something to you guys.


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