
Sunday, February 19, 2012

A Gregarious Man!

The summer of 2010, we were tired of working in campgrounds and were looking to do something different in this lifestyle and that is exactly what we found when we received the call from Ernie Noia, owner of Mancos Dude Ranch located in Mancos, Colorado.

As many of you know from our posts on our blog that season, we had a blast and met the two of the best people we had ever encountered, Carolyn and Ernie Noia. They were married for a long time and the respect they showed one another was enlightening to us.

They both taught us so much that season but what we got from Ernie was life changing for us. He was such a gregarious sort of guy that taught us exactly how we wanted to live the rest of our lives. He was a straight shooter and never took any crap from anyone. He was a big man, tall and broad which was intimidating in itself. As big as he was, deep inside he was a very sincere and sensitive man who liked things his way but at the same time would take our suggestions and then use them. He was fair, he was funny, he was blunt, and was always giving of himself to others.

When we left that season, they offered us a place to stay if we were ever in the area, not just at the ranch but in Palm Springs where they lived and we knew that if we were ever passing through the area again, we would most definitely stop in for a visit.

Jerry and I spoke about them often, and every chance we got we tried to live the way he presented to us that season, tough but fair. We never had the opportunity to pass through their area and now it just won’t happen since we heard that Ernie passed away after a bout with cancer.

Our heart goes out to his family, especially Carolyn. They were friends, they were partners, they worked side by side with one another for years. How on earth do you recover from losing your soul mate and continue living your life without them by your side? We really hope we never have to find out, we hope when it is our time to go that we go together.

We are so grateful that we were able to share a part of his life that season, we will never forget him!


  1. Truth is you never get past losing your soul mate.

    Very sorry for the loss of your friend, and my heart goes out to Carolyn. I don't know her, but I can relate to what she's feeling.

  2. It sounds like the world will be much emptier without your friend. I am sorry to hear of his passing and my prayers to his soul mate.

  3. He sounds like a wonderful man. There are some pretty wonderful people in this world. Sorry we did not have a chance to meet him.


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