
Sunday, January 15, 2012

A Little Bit of This & A Little Bit of That!

The wind never seems to totally stop in this area, but we were able to secure our awning and figure out our spring had sprung and needed to be replaced. We called a local on-site mobile repair shop and he confirmed that is what was wrong and would order the part and return in a few days to complete the repair. The wind has been wicked but on Saturday it was not as strong so the repair guy came by and completed the repair…a few hundred dollars later we are good to go.

We finished our shopping and found all the things we needed to complete our remodeling projects. We had our play day, which wasn’t all that much fun since we only made a donation. Laughlin seems to do that to us, but we always seem to have to stop in whenever we are in the area. We will be heading for Quartzsite in the morning to meet up with some Blog friends and possibly find some work at the big tent for a few weeks, and some shopping too!

We have had a few offers for work for the summer, but we are concentrating on the ones that are out west. We are really not ready to head east any time soon, even though one of those offers was really enticing, we are still weighing them all out and plan to make a decision when the time feels right.

For more photos, check out our Picasa Web Albums.


  1. We've had some nice weather but today it is chilly and overcast. I don't like it one little bit. When you head this way please bring the sun with you.

  2. Now just remember - that crew you're going to meet up with in Q is pretty iffy. And I sure wish we were there with them. You are going to have such a great time and hopefully the weather is going to get nice again.

  3. How nice of you to donate to the casinos! LOL ;)


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