
Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas…We Are On the Road Again…

Yes, we finally left on Saturday around noon and what a farce it ended up to be…we continue to ask ourselves why we did not follow our hearts and adventure into new territory when it was offered to us earlier in the season by another company. We live and learn and it was a costly lesson, but we learned it well. We now know why he doesn’t get many return management…what we learned without going into details is he is not a man of his word and never means what he says or says what he means and we will no longer work for a man who is so wishy washy, or dishonest, or whichever term that fits this situation. The one thing we know is that we are leaving with fantastic karma and he is not. We gave our all and did a great job, and almost doubled his business, even though he stated differently, we found last year’s totals, so we know differently than what he was trying to hand us.

Now, looking at the bright side, we had the best crew ever. We chose to hire a group of the high school kids but needed to hire a few “Elders” to handle the day shifts while they were in school and we have never experienced such great kids. We have been enlightened that there really are fantastic kids in our world because when you listen to the news and other older folks, it sounds as if there are not any good kids left. Well, there are and they were working for us this season. These kids were well mannered, polite, and eager to learn, took initiative when needed and did not complain. Now for the elders, who by the way were kids from the neighborhood who all knew one another but were in their early 20’s, now the elders were just a bit more to handle but all in all they all did a great job and if we were to return, which we WILL NOT, we would hire many of them back again.

Another great condition this season was the weather. We could not have asked for a better weather season. We had many days of fog, and some really frigid temperatures in the evenings and first part of the morning, but as for any rain…virtually none. We did have one morning, it was frigid and rainy until about noon, then it cleared up and it was sunny for the rest of the afternoon. This helped us through the rough days when Kevin was being a real poop head.

We had a mix of customers as well, some not so nice but most of them were very warm, kind, and in the true spirit of Christmas.

Jerry found a BevMo just around the corner from us and we were able to do some tasting of different kinds and types of wines which we will be sharing with you all in some of the upcoming days. First, we will be doing some resting up, some cleaning up of ourselves and the rig from too many long hour days.

We hope you all have a safe and wonderful holiday season and we hope that the New Year brings all of your dreams into your reality. We are currently working on a pretty exciting adventure that we can’t yet share with you, but we will just as soon as we are able to do so.

We have added our photos from the lot on our Picasa Web Albums, please feel free to check them out.


  1. A very Merry Christmas to you both! Enjoyed the pics; thanks for sharing. Sounds like you are headed for some much-deserved rest and I hope you have a chance to recharge your "batteries." Looking forward to hearing about your next adventure when you are ready to share! Peace!

  2. I'm glad to know that you survived your ordeal, Kimberly and Jerry. Have a wonderful rest and a very merry Christmas!

  3. Bleh. Sorry about that. Is there a website where you can review workamping situations so other people don't get sucked in?

  4. Merry Christmas and glad you're finally on to your next adventure.

  5. Good for you for sticking it out - you can drive down the road with no regrets. Some employers don't know how to treat good employees, too bad, he won't get any good people back.

    But now you're done and on your way to some well deserved rest and relaxation! Enjoy, and have a Merry Christmas! :)

  6. We wish you guys a Merry
    christmas and a Happy RVing New Year.

  7. Merry Christmas Kimberly & Jerry! So glad you were able to make it to the end keeping your heads held up high!! Hope you have a great rest, travel safe and can't wait to hear about your next adventure!!

  8. We are finally back in the good old USA and catching up on the blogs. Hope you had a great Christmas.


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